0.2% are Evangelical Christians

Here is some information about the Spiritual climate of Riverside and Orange Counties in California.  It show that with all the religion going on that there has been little effective evangelism.  What do these statistics mean to you?   

  1. Does that mean we need to plant more churches?
  2. Is it better to have 10 churches of 100 people or 1 church of 1000 as far as being accountable to  promote gathered worship in displaying God’s glory together that that fuels evangelism and missions?
  3. Are we obeying the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)?
  4. Should we strategize to be more effective in our evangelism?
  5. Is Church planting the best form of evangelism for all churches to intentionally participate in? 

This information is from the Association of Religious Data Archives
Evangelical Protestant Counties (2000)
Using data from the 2000 Religious Congregations and Membership Study, this list ranks U.S. counties on the highest total number of adherents and the highest percent of the population in Evangelical Protestant denominations. You can sort the list by clicking on the column headings. The historically African American denominations are not included in the 2000 congregation and membership totals.
Congregational “adherents” include all full members, their children, and others who regularly attend services.
Ranking              County                Adherents Percent

Orange County, California 228,801 0.2
812 Riverside County, California 125,203 0.2

see also www.disciplemaking.net
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