God has planned a work in creating and redeeming a people for Himslef. God is seeking and reconciling sinners to himself by grace. David … all » was reconciled to God in 2 Samuel 12 through the revelation of sin. David experienced reconciling grace and learned that 1) God is seeking sinners, 2) God has a effective strategy to bring repentance, 3) God disciplines with furios grace, 4) God give eternal forgiveness, 5) God gives greater grace to bring one to trust him more. Christians must realize that God will not let them stay in a state of sin. God can over come our rebellion effectively. The secular person will never have the assurance of forgiviness of their guilt until they experience furious grace that will bring them to faith in God through Jesus Christ. Watch and listen to this exposition of 2 Samuel 12.
2 Samuel 12 – Reconciliation and Greater Grace
see also www.disciplemaking.net