In 2 Samuel 13 one must deal with the godless depravity of 4 men, especially in the narrative of Amnon’s rape of Tamar, his half sister. In Amnon we see lust without love bringing about rape, in Jonadab we see a man of reason without principles planning this rape, in David we see anger without justice in failing to punish rape and murder, and in Absolom’s we see hatred without restraint in the murder of his half brother, Amnon. David’s family is receiving God’s punishment of 2 Samuel 12:11 because of his sin in his relationship with Bathsheba and Uriah. From 2 Samuel 13 we see the struggle of godlessness in that it produces double-mindedness because it doubts God’s Word, foolishness because it denys greater profit, and humanism because it rejects Christ’s Lordship. This chapter is an exhortation that a godly life is of great benefit to one who sanctifies Jesus Christ as Lord.
2 Samuel 13 – All in the Family
see also