November 2005

Keeping Christ in Xians

Every year I have struggled with the complainsts about how the world is “taking Christ out of Christmas.” when the church is as worldly as it is. I agree with Tom Ascol in this article that we should be far more concerned to see Christ kept in the Church and in professing Christians than we are to see what unbelieving institutions do with a holiday. Here is his article: Keeping Chirst in Xians see also

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Memorizing (Part 1)

Motivation to Memorize the Bible There is nothing that compares with the excitement of memorizing Scripture. Charles Swindoll summed it up nicely when he wrote: I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture. That’s right. No other single discipline is more useful and rewarding than this. No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends! Your prayer life will be strengthened. Your Witnessing will be sharper and much more effective. Your attitudes and outlook will begin to change. Your mind will become alert and observant. Your confidence and assurance will be

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Discipling and Ecclesiology

Discipling and ecclesiology go together. Over the past several years I have been developing a philosophy of minsitry that centered on Disciplemaking, but I have relized that I may have been looking at just the infrstructure of a church without dealing with the ecclesiology. Mark Dever’s book 9 Marks of a healthy church is an excellect and gracious study of 9 biblical practices that have been neglected in our church growth models. They include: “Expository Preaching, Biblical theology, Biblical Understanding of the Gospel, Biblical Understanding of Conversion, Biblical Understanding of Evangelism, Biblical Understanding of Church Membership, Biblical Church Discipline, Promotion

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Memorizing (Part 2)

In part 1, I made the case that it is necessary to memorize and showed the benefits of it. Here is the aplication of the theory in a plan that I try to follow in memorizing scripture. MEMORIZATION OUTLINEThe following is a suggested way to memorize passages and books of the Bible. MEMORIZE 2 VERSES A DAY MORNING – 5 MINUTES1. READ the verse allowed 3 times.2. SAY the verse out loud once with out looking at the scriptures. Do not worry if you do not have it perfect. You perfect your verses in your reviewing process.3. WRITE the verse

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Give Thanks in Distress – Jonah 2

Introduction Note: I am indeated to John Piper for the structure of this sermon – see Bricklayer illustration 2 kINGS 14:25 – Jonah was the same man and lived in the northern kingdom in the early to middle 700’s B.C. around the time amos was crying out aginst the sins of Israel and saying that God was going to raise up a nation against her, namely Assyria (Amos 6:14). God at the same time told Jonah to go preach to Nineva, Assyria’s chief city Outline of Chapter 1 – Jonah did not go east but got in a boat

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Arrogance and Antagonism John 9:24-41

Introuction Common foes can be united with a common enemy. Dogs will quite fighting when a cat or rabbit runs along their path FOCUS Fallen Condition Focus: Problems with Pharisaical Heart Theme: We must overcome our own hearts evil tendencies. Question: What will a Arrogant and Antagonistic heart will do? 1. An Antagonist heart will go over the same issue so as not to change (9:24-25) you will look for conspiracy Joshua 7:19 – worship God- tell the whole truth I will not unite in saying He is a sinner I will not turn aside to talk to the person.

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John 9:8-23 – Tell the Truth and Do what is Right

Introduction LibbyWatergate Fallen Concition Focus: We tend to prusue our self interest even if we are untruthful or immoral. Theme: In affliction and Trials it is in your best interest to tell the truth and do what is right. Transition: Why tell the truth and do what is right in your trials: 1. You will have peace knowing God is glorified (9:8-9) Even if there are skeptics they will see real change as you grow there will be feircer testing 2. You will be less tempted to emblish your testimony (9:10-12) You don’t have to have a great story Act

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All Good Things Come From God – John 9:1-7

John 9:1-7 IntroductionMemorial Services2 Level Interpretation reconstruction? – Jesus and the Ephesian ChurchNo Power of Positive thinkingHistoricity of the text – Jonah was realWe complain when we refuse to see good in every situation in cluding claminities Theme: All good things come from God. 1. It is good that God initiates mercy and is not preoccupied with his sorrow – 1a. 1 Cor. 4:4-62. it is good that individual sin is not always the reason for suffereing – 2-3a. John 5:14b. 1 Cor. 11:30c. The men in good circumstances may not be the best man and the best man may

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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