June 2006

God’s Lordship in Interpretation

Yesterday I referenced an article on the Trinity and hermeneutics. In that article it references 2 other articles that I found beneficial in my discussion of exegesis. The article starts out by saying: Since philosophical and theological circles are increasingly dominated by concerns for hermeneutics, it is important to work out explicitly the implications of God’s Lordship for hermeneutics. Because of the vastness of the implications, I can only begin the task in this article. God’s Lordship in InterpretationVern Sheridan Poythress see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Preach Gospel to all people; ‘trust God with the results’

It warms my heart to see aggressive evangelism encourged. Dr. Mark Dever really encourages us to agressive evangelize but leave the results with God. Intuitive we know this, but many of evangelistic methods today are more manipulative than Faith oriented. Read this and be encouraged. Dever: Preach Gospel to all people; ‘trust God with the results’ By Jeff Robinson Jun 26, 2006 see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Why Must Our Hermeneutics Be Trinitarian?

For the next couple of days I want to link to articles that deal with hermeneutics (how to study the bible). These articles show how we should approach the Scirptures in our studies. this first one was publsihed reciently in the Southr Baptist Journal of Theology. Why Must Our Hermeneutics Be Trinitarian?by Vern Sheridan Poythress[Published in The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10/1 (spring 2006), 96-98. Used with permission.] see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Expository Thoughts

Here is a good blog on the task and art of studying and declaring the truth of Scritpure: Expository Thoughts see also www.disciplemaking.net

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A Southern Baptist History Primer: Part 5-The Present Day

Here is a helpful understanding of SB History and especially as it relates to Landmarkism: A Southern Baptist History Primer: Part 5-The Present Day To read these articles from the begining you will have to click on the above link and then scroll down to the bottom and click on part 1 on the right hand side. see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Building around shared Biblical Convictions

This is in What Baptism Portrays Local Christian communities, called churches, are built around shared Biblical convictions, some of which are essential for salvation and some of which are not. We do not define our covenant life together only by the narrowest possible set of beliefs one must have to be saved. We believe rather that the importance of truth and the authority of Scripture are better honored when communities of Christian faith define themselves by clusters of Biblical convictions and stand by them, rather than redefining the meaning of membership each time one of their convictions is disputed. When

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SBC Discussion on Calvinism

I though the discussion between Dr. Page Patterson and Dr. Albert Mohler was beneficial to the convention because both men have a desire for the Great Commission, and because it put real theological discussions on the map. I have my own opinions but I want to emphaise that it shows how iron sharpens iron without being antogonistic. I hope the convention can have discussions about other theological issues (justification, the nature of truth and pragmatism in ministry, eschatology, etc.) like this as well. You can read on this discussion at: The Calvinism Discussion with Dr. Patterson and Patterson, Mohler: Calvinism

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Summer Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship

I would suggest that you try to attend the Summer Institute for Biblical Counseling and discipleship Summer conference entitled: More than Conquerors: Victors vs. Suvivors June 22-24 at New Life Church in La Mesa, CA (just east of San Diego)Speakers: Paul Tripp, George Scipione, Deborah Dewart, Elyse Fitzpatrick, Laura Hendrickson, Robert Needham, Jim Newheiser, Mark Schroeder If you cannot go get the CDs: www.soundword.com see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Giving Thought To Colloquiums, Cooperation, Alliances … and Denominations

Giving Thought To Colloquiums, Cooperation, Alliances, Being Together And Denominations.Here is a great article that deals with differences people have but working together in ministry in reation to faithfulness and relevance.  I love the humility that Mark Dever conveys his thoughts on these issues and is open enough to even see that he can change to.  Mark introduces his thought with the statement:  I think the most basic practical division among evangelical pastors today may be between those who pursue faithfulness and assume relevance and those who pursue relevance and assume faithfulness.Just click the folliwng title and read this article.  I think it will

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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