July 2006

Plexiglas Preaching

Here is a good article that everyone who listens to sermons and preaches sermons needs to take account of: Plexiglas Preaching By John MacArthur The Devastating Consequences of a Watered-Down Message Those who are familiar with my ministry know that I am committed to expository preaching. It is my unshakable conviction that the proclamation of God’s Word should always be the heart and the focus of the church’s ministry (2 Tim. 4:2). And proper biblical preaching should be systematic, expositional, theological, and God-centered. Such preaching is in short supply these days. There are plenty of gifted communicators in the modern

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Is God For Us or For Himself?

Here is a quote by John Piper that is the a foundation for Christian ministry: God is the one Being in the entire universe for whom self-centeredness, or the pursuit of his own glory, is the ultimately loving act. For him, self-exaltation is the highest virtue. When he does all things “for the praise of his glory,” he preserves for us and offers to us, the only thing in the entire world, which can satisfy our longings. God is for us, and therefore has been, is now and always will be, first, for himself. I urge you not to resent

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Breaking News & Confronting Culture

Baptists Warn Environmental Politics Could Divide EvangelicalsSouthern Baptists are worried that environmental politics could divide evangelical Christians and distract them from their higher calling to spread the gospel.Pope’s assertion of primacy a problem for Protestants (from 12/2005)An appeal by Pope Benedict XVI for non-Catholic Christians to recognise papal primacy risks reinforcing divisions between churches.Va. Megachurch Sues County to Keep ClassesA megachurch in northern Virginia is suing Fairfax County so that it can keep giving religion classes that help students get a master’s degree.Study: House Church Participation Rises in AmericaMillions of American adults are trying out new forms of spiritual community

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The Road from Eglaitarianism to Complementarianism in the SBC

In this article below Dr. Mohler shows how Dr. Frank Page as well as himself have changed their view of the Biblical standard of women in ministry – especially as pastors. I think this article shows that this issues involves more than just a cultural antithesis but also involves what one believes about the inerrance of the Bible. Frank Page — Caught in the Act of Changing His Mind see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Peace in the Middle East?

Dr. Russ More has much wisdom in his perspective in the following article. He states: Whatever our view about Israel’s place in Bible prophecy and whatever our view of the trouble in the Middle East, Christians should pray for the coming of our Messiah, who will decisively beat all swords into plowshares (Isa 2:4). But we should also pray for Kingdom congregations that declare the truth of the gospel with their very existence. That’s not just overseas. As America’s inner cities simmer still with racial tension, let’s pray and work for churches in which white, black, and Latino Christians worship

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God is the Gospel

One of the things we need to recover is the centrality of God in the Gospel. Here is a great quote: The gospel is not a way to get people to heaven; it is a way to get people to God.Read more about this at: As Sorrowful, yet Always Rejoicing: God is the Gospel see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Start Family Worship

One of the most difficult sins to overcome in my life because of travel (which is not an excuse) is priortizing Family worship. I have just found a beneficial booklet on this that I intend to read that comes with the following endorsement: Don Whitney has written a book we truly need. . . . This book belongs in every Christian home and in the hands of every Christian parent. — Albert Mohler, Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary There is never a perfect time to start Family Worship, just like there never is a perfect time to start

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CT Interview with Mark Driscoll

Here is a quote from Mark Driscoll in a Interview he did with Christianity Today Traditional churches have either leaned toward being fundamentalist and separated from culture, which has led to legalism and irrelevance; or they have leaned toward being liberally synchronized with culture, which leads to compromise and irrelevance. Either way, many traditional churches are irrelevant, whether they lean to the Left or the Right theologically and politically. Most contemporary churches are not very theological beyond a few evangelical basics, because they are guided more by pragmatism and programming than theology. At Mars Hill Church, we are driven by

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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