An Inconvienent Truth or Convienent Fiction
I see this as being a balanced understanding of the issue that is so hyped up in the news today. Part 1 Part 2 see also
I see this as being a balanced understanding of the issue that is so hyped up in the news today. Part 1 Part 2 see also
Justin Taylor has been live-blogging of the first conference of the “Gospel Coalition.” The conference wrapped up just yesterday. Denny Burk describes this coalition very encouragingly as follows: According to Mark Driscoll, the Gospel Coalition began as a theological colloquium led by Dr. D. A. Carson and Dr. Tim Keller. The colloquium has been meeting for the past few years and has focused its efforts on drafting “a new evangelical reformed confession of faith.” Members of this colloquium included Alistair Begg, Kent Hughes, Philip Ryken, Mark Dever, Ray Ortlund, Ligon Duncan, and representatives from organizations such as The Council on
I was reading over at the shephard’s Scrapbook about legalism. I agree that legalism is a huge soteriological issue. We fall into it without noticing it. When ever we think God is more please with us because of our obedience than any other of his children we have fallen to this sinful trap. Tony Reinke states the well: Legalism is the lie that God will find more pleasure in me because my obedience is greater than others or that God looks at me with disgust because I am not growing in grace as quickly as my friends. It is the
Recently I read that someone believed that “The Bible says that Jesus wasn’t sinless…the guy cursed a tree for not bearing fruit out of season. How nuts is that? Plum(b) sinful if you ask me.” The Bible says that He was sinless: Jesus “was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). On the cross, the Father made Jesus “to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). The barren fig tree which Jesus cursed could have been symbolic of Israel:
Over at Eric Costa posted what I think is a much needed truth that churches need to hear. Distinctiveness comes from the Gospel and not from all the other philosophies of ministries that are out there. Here is the post: Musings On “The Distinctive Church”“This church is different!” Fine, but why? Because everyone there is young and hip? Because everyone is Reformed? Because all the parents keep their kids out of public schools? Because the music is good and loud and original? Because there are icons and candles and an ancient liturgy to connect us to the historical church?
The following a a great devotional from Sam Storms. I think it shows me (as Sam says) how little I know of God’s beauty because how easy it is to be enamored by the lesser glory of things. If you struggle with demands for your attention stuff, this will be an encouragement to you to stop and beold the beauty of the Lord. One Thing, Once More (Ps. 27.4) Sam StormsMay 2, 2007I’ve always been intrigued by Psalm 27:4, if for no other reason than that it is the last thing one would expect from David, at least when looked
I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more