July 2007

How Do You Literally Interpret the Bible?

Sam Waldron is writing about John MacArthurs literal hermeneutic to show that Biblical Christians do believe in a literal hermeneutic. I love the comrade that is show by Sam and the fact that both John MacArthur and Sam Waldron are closer in their stated understanding of hermeneutics that one may think. I appreciate both of these men of God and have learn much from them. The issue between dispensationalists and covenantentalists is one of the consistent application of a literal hermeneutic. The real question we all need to ask is that do we interpret all literature alike or are there

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God Promises that the Church will prevail

In my efforts to define how important it is to define our theology in Gospel centered terms. I have edited 3 articles together that share my conviction on the Gospel and its centrality in our church life today. You can read these articles at The Indispensibility of the Gospel, Gospel is focus of SBC unity…, Gospel will prevail despite churches that hide it. Christian Churches are doctrinally defined; we base our identity on what we teach. Many would find fault in this, saying that Christianity is more a matter of how we live. I don’t think we can separate what

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Introduction to Job

If one would study the book of Job today we would find certain features of this book would provide the essential foundation for a Biblical World and Life View. The book of job supports the pillars of creation, fall, and redemption which are foundational to the rest of Scripture and Christian Theology.The following are some elements in the foundation of a biblical World and live view found in Job. The book of Job shows that “evil” has meaning and purpose. Job defines evil as more than just the absence of good, but is really used for good under the sovereign

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A Short defination of Covenant Theology

Here is a short concise explanation of Covenant Theology: Covenant theology believes that God has structured his relationship with humanity by covenants rather than strict independent dispensations. For example, in Scripture we explicitly read of various covenants functioning as the major stages in redemptive history, such as the covenant with Abraham, the giving of the law, the covenant with David, and the new covenant. These post-fall covenants are not new tests of man’s faithfulness to each new stage of revelation (as are the independent dispensations in dispensationalism), but are rather differing administrations of the single, overarching covenant of grace. The

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Assumptions about Meanings

I can relate to peoples confusion in Bible Studies as I have progressed into an understanding of Biblical exegesis, which always values the revelation of Scripture as Preminent starting point instead of our human reason in our search for truth. To illustrate proper exegesis of Scritpure, I would like to look at a common assumption about the meaning of the word “all”. The word “all” doesn’t mean the same thing in ever instance because it has different objects that limit its definition. This can happen in the same Bible book or even in the same paragraph. So we must always

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Wells analyzes competing spiritualities

David Wells said at the Founders Conference a clear word to those who would disciple the next generation. Historic Christianity’s chief competitor today is a popular brand of spirituality that rejects objective truth, is market-driven, therapeutic and centered on the exaltation of self, theologian and author David Wells told attendees of the annual Southern Baptist Founders Conference.Wells contrasted two competing approaches to spirituality — “spirituality from below” versus “spirituality from above.” The spirituality from above is that which is held by historic Christianity and views God as having spoken in Scripture, sees God as sovereign over His creation and sinful

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Gospel is focus of SBC unity, Ascol says

It is so refreshing to hear finally that the discussions in the SBC are turning toward theology. I appreciate Tom Ascol’s remarks at the founders conference this year. He points to center our lives around the Gospel. Good Theology always drives us to the Gospel and helps us define, document, defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A fully biblical Gospel, with all its related doctrines, must again be proclaimed in churches and in evangelism. Here is a quote that convicted me to become more theolgically and gospel minded: “I believe we are living in an early era of ‘re-theologizing’ of

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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