September 2007

2 Samuel 8 – Kingdom Stewardship

David had to take responsibillity of expanding the kingdom in God’s willing plan. In 2 Samuel 8 he defeated the nations around him including Moab (a place where the king gave Davi’s parents asslyum during his escape from Saul). We learn that kingdom living involves conflict before victory. We are called to be stewards and fight for the kingdom in this way. In this spiritual battle we are ordered to consecrate and dedicate everything we receive including our own lives to God. In the end steward ship in this Chapter is a lesson is what it takes to serve and

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2 Samuel 5 – Kingdom Collage

The author here in 2 Samuel 5 pastes together 4 different episodes fragments (Promise, Vision, Compromise and Victory) showing the establishment and confirmation of the Davidic Kingdom. The events in this chapter are not placed in chronological order but are included because they all emphasize the necessity in knowing the King of the kingdom. We learn that the character of God applies to all areas of Biblical faith. Today we need to learn that what is central to the kingdom is God Himself and not life enhansements that the kingdom provides. This passage will help you preach a God-centered Gospel

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Book Give Away

This month Callis Dot Com is going to be giving away the biggest and best prize yet sponsors. This month’s sponsor is Monergism Books. I agree that Monergism books sell good books and only good books. They take great care to ensure that their catalog contains only books that will prove edifying. The prises are First prize: All six available volumes of the Reformed Expository Commentary series. Second prize: Any three volumes of the Reformed Expository Commentary series (to be selected by the winner). Third Prize: Any one volume of the Reformed Expository Commentary series (to be selected by the

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Upsetting the Assurance of the Unsaved!

This is goo advice. When one is scared to upset people’s assurace it could be harful because many may be upset because they love other things such as football more than Christ and are thus lost. I know that it is a hard saying, but if we consistantly love other idols more than Christ, then we are lost. It is not in the event but in the pattern of life that reveals whether we have geneuine saving fruit. Listen to John Piper express this better than I could ever… see also

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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