February 2011

NT Use of OT and Biblical Authority

Below is a helpful article by Michael  Vlach.  I would add another category that I would call “Single Meaning, Fuller application” and place this in between #1 and #2.  the reason for this is that I don’t think that Michael captures the position that believes in a single meaning in the New Testament use of the old, but applies it to different or multiple referents.  One can see this position in the book Three View of the New Testament use of the Old Testament which is called Single Meaning, Multiple Referents by Darrell L, Bock .  This position holds that it is important to be faithful to use the Grammatical,

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A Middle Ground approach to The Law of Moses

Justin Taylor does gives a good summary how the New Covenant is actually a different covenant (and a better covenant – (Heb. 7:22) and a superior covenat (Heb. 8:) than the Old Covenant while maintaining God’s unity of purpose across the covenants.  Since the New Covenant is made with a reconstituted covenant people (Matthew 21:33-43, Romans 9-11) that involves a new order(Hebrews 9:10), and a new set of governing laws and principles.  The establishment of the New Covenant has made the Old Covenant with its stipulations obsolete (2 Corinthians 3:14, Hebrews 8:13, 9:1, etc.). It a middle ground approach (neither Covenantal or Dispensational) that

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Order of Decrees Explainations – which lapsarian are you?

Check out Notes on Supralapsarianism & Infralapsarianism – Phil Johnson (John MacArthur’s right hand man) looks at four major ways of ordering the soteriological elements of God’s eternal decree—with a particular focus on the difference between supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism. He summarizes the differences in a side-by-side comparison below. Explanatory notes follow. Summary of Views Supralapsarianism Infralapsarianism Amyraldism Arminianism Elect some, reprobate rest Create Permit Fall Provide salvation for elect Call elect to salvation Create Permit Fall Elect some, pass over the rest Provide salvation for elect Call elect to salvation Create Permit Fall Provide salvation sufficient for all Elect some, pass over rest Call

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The Doctrine of Creation.

I am trying to get a copy of Dr. Sailhamer’s book, “Genesis Unbounded”, but it is currently out of print ($54.00 at Amazon for a used copy).  I want to eagerly read his book if and when it is republished.  I am enjoying reading Sailhamer’s other books on OT theology and agree with his use of “Salvation History” as referring to the Scriptural history rather than all of God’s activity in his creation generally as many Covenant Theologians and/or some Biblical Theologians do.  I am grateful to Jonathan Sakovich (a church member and a student at GGBTS) who has encouraged me to read

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Windows Live Sync vs. Live Mesh vs. SkyDrive, etc.: Which is Right for You?

I am very tempted to go with SpiderOak.  What do you think is the best storage, backup, sync service right now? Windows Live Sync vs. Live Mesh vs. SkyDrive: Which is Right for You? The Best Online Storage Service – Windows SkyDrive SkyDrive or Google Docs? Windows Life SkyDrive and 3 alternative storage services Windows Skydrive vs Google Docs Cloud Storage: On SugarSync, DropBox & Live Mesh 4 Free Alternatives to Dropbox SpiderOak Vs. Dropbox see also www.disciplemaking.net

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$25,000 Worship Resource Giveaway from Proclaim

New church presentation software is coming out soon called Proclaim and it’s located here http://proclaimonline.com. Unlike all other church presentation software systems, this one will allow pastors, worship leaders, and worship team members to all access and add to the same presentation before it’s presented, and then use the same application to run the presentation during the service.   To add to the excitement of the release of Proclaim, they are giving away $25,000 in worship resources in The Great Worship Resource Giveaway. They are going to have 100’s of winners of some of the best worship resources on the

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Top Issues Church Planters Face

I found some great articles (by Ed Stetzer) over and Provocation and Paintings (Top Issues Church Planters Face) that I am reading on Evangelism and Church planting that I thought would be great to go through.  I know that Timothy Brister has also said that he will be interacting with these articles.  The articles are:  1. Leadership Development and Reproducing Culture2. Financial Self-Sufficiency and Viability3. Launch Team Development and Mobilizing Volunteers4. Systems, Processes, and Cultures5. Casting Vision and Avoid Mission Drift6. Evangelism and Discipleship7. Spiritual, Physical, Mental Health Planter/Family*. Conclusions and Observations see also www.disciplemaking.net

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AlbertMohler.com – “Getting Our Story Straight” — Opening Convocation Address

AlbertMohler.com – “Getting Our Story Straight” — Opening Convocation Address Listen to this great address on getting our Gospel right and not filling our gospel with human effort or a wrong understanding of God and man.  Our Gospel must include a right understanding of God, a right understanding of our human condition, a right understanding of  Jesus Christ and his work, and a right understanding of the necessity of our response. see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Baylor continues to drift away

When I was pastoring in the great state of Texas I saw the beginnings of Baylor University drifting away from its founding convictions.  No matter how they couch their drift away from a convictional baptist theology, I believe that greater liberalism is around the corner for Baylor.  You can read the story by clicking the link below: Baylor to allow non-Baptists on governing board | The Christian Century  see also www.disciplemaking.net

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The Supremacy of Christ (Symphonic Sermon Jam)

Oh, How good it is to listen to one speaking of the greatness and supremacy of Christ over every thing and in all things.  Nothing exists or moves without dependence on Him.  There is not one square inch on planet earth the world that Christ does’t say “Mine!!, and I rule it and supreme over it. (Abraham Kyper)  We must know this Christ!  And and thought it may not seam to you that he does hold such supreme rule now, it is a short time when he will returns in the glory of his father to give relief to those who trust

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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