July 2011

Obama, Pentagon certify DADT repeal

Obama, Pentagon certify DADT repeal: “WASHINGTON (BP)–President Obama and Pentagon leaders announced Friday they have certified the United States military is prepared for open homosexuals to serve in the armed services. The certification by the president, plus new Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Michael Mullen, means only a 60-day waiting period remains before final repeal of a longstanding policy that bars open homosexuals from serving openly in the Armed Forces.” The most concerning thing to me is the freedom to preach the gospel and call people to repent from their sin including homosexuality. What

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Good Biblical dialogue

Many dialogues today are very immature from my perspective.  I love it when believers can talk about Scripture and their beliefs in a winsome and humble way in an effort to learn from each other and not just talking past each other.  I love it when other brothers and sisters in Christ can dialog in a agreeable way over their different perspectives in an effort to learn and grow to know Christ more fully. http://vimeo.com/24828722 Chandler, Horton, Keller on How to Disagree from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.The terms of theological have changed rapidly and dramatically with the spread of the internet.

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Questions from a Ministry Student i received

The following Questions are from a interview I did with a student at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. 1)What is the most important thing for a pastor to know? Genuinely Knowing Christ (not a false convert) and that God is the goal of the Gospel (not life enhancements). Thus pastor’s ministry must be based on expositional preaching of the Word and Gospel (Eph. 4:1-4. One could say the same thing by stating “please or love God first, not men” in all you do. (Hebrews 11:6, Revelation 2:4-6)). 2)What has kept you going when things are going hard in the ministry? Knowing that God has called me

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What is your church measuring? What does that say about your mission?

I have always said that what you measure drives your behavior. I have found more conformation fo this in an article from Vanguard Church by Bob Robinson. He says: What is your church measuring? What does that say about your mission?: “ Edgar Schein, Professor of Management at MIT, says that whatever an organization measures becomes its de facto culture. Churches and ministry organizations write mission statements that are great, but they are only wishful thinking if they have put in place mechanisms to measure their success that are contrary to those lofty mission statements. For instance,a random mission statement

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A church as a Teaching Hospital

Here is a great post on how we should view a church if we are going to multiply or plant other churches called: Planting a Church? Plant a Teaching Hospital by Brandon Cox. See if this kind of multiplication resonates with you. Brandon Cox writes: That phrase – “teaching hospital” – jumped out at me during a recent conversation with Geoff Surratt, Pastor of Church Planting at Saddleback Church. As we discussed the vision of Grace Hills Church over lunch, Geoff helped me put words to the burden I kept feeling to plant more than a church – to plant

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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