September 2011

News Conference on Changing the Name of the Southern Baptist Convention

The audio from Southern Baptist Convention President Bryant Wright’s news conference concerning a possible convention name change has been posted online. *|VIMEO:29436657|* Bryant Wright news conference (mobile compatible) from Baptist Press on Vimeo. Southern Baptist Convention President Bryant Wright held a press conference immediately after announcing the appointment of a presidential task force to study the prospect of changing the 166-year-old convention’s name, saying the name’s regional nature has become a barrier in some parts of the United States. After the meeting, Wright held a news conference that lasted about 20 minutes. The audio of that press conference is available at Suggestions regarding

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Christianity Explored – Interview with Rico Tice

I would encourge everyone to listen to this conversation with the Rico Tice, pastor and founder of Christianity Explored. Christianity Explored – Interview with Rico Tice Rico Tice is Associate Minister of Evangelism at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. He is also Founder of Christianity Explored, the evangelistic introductory course to Christianity. This week on the Connected Kingdom podcast, Rico talks about the impact of John Stott upon his life and ministry, how his previous singleness made Christianity Explored possible, and how he keeps his own evangelistic fervor alive. US listeners can find Christianity Explored resources here. Christianity Explored

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Defining an Evangelical!

What Makes Evangelicalism Evangelical? A New Book Joins the Argument: Dr. Mohler  delineates that there is a new position what is Evangelicalism which in the end is liberalism by another name – Reformist or Revisionist Evangelicals. The evangelical movement in America emerged in the twentieth century as conservative Protestants sought to perpetuate an intentional continuity with biblical Christianity. While the roots of the movement can be traced through centuries prior to its emergence in twentieth century America, its organizational shape appeared mainly in the years after World War II. And, as anyone who considers the movement with a careful eye understands, evangelical

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Trellis & Vine Talk 1 – not about small groups

In this first episode of Trellis & Vine Talk.  Tony and Col discuss—amongst other things— why the ideas in The Trellis and the Vine are not about small groups and one-to-one. Listen to it here, or download the file to catch up on it later (MP3 | M4A). (more…) Trellis & Vine Talk 1 – not about small groups: see also

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An honest look at the Prusit of Joy

From: John Piper on happiness, Christianity in America and fasting from preaching Here are 2 quotes of John’s in this article that are especially encouraging to me: “Christians care about all suffering, especially eternal suffering” …[Christians] should not define happiness as the kind of breezy, light, superficial, smiley-faced, praise-God-anyhow, that gives the impression to others that they don’t know suffering, and that they are hypocritical and superficial.  That is the danger I fear when you ask it, should they be a happy person.  I would want to say they should be the person who looked like they maintain a sweet contented disposition when

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Explaining Islam in a minute – COL. West

COL. West was just elected in November 2010 to Congress from Florida.   During the elections he was part of a panel on how to handle or how to relate to Muslims.   You will see his answer here explaining in just over a minute the truth about Islam. *|YOUTUBE:qYbaln3Uqfc|* see also

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The Real Scandle of Christian Mind

eJournal : The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind | 9Marks It is refreshing to see how what we believe affects our commitments and now believe.  Carl Trueman sows how slippery Theology and the craving of worldly acceptance go hand in hand.  He states: We live in strange times. Hardly a year goes by without some conference on the future of the evangelical church somewhere having at least one speaker, or sometimes even a slate of speakers, who arguably represent precisely the kind of theology that has emptied pews, castrated preaching, and disemboweled commitment to the gospel. He goes on to give several

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Mark Dever

I cannot recomend highly enough the book: The Trellis and The Vine” if you are interested in seeing your church turned around into a true Disciplemaking Church, where people are mentoring others in their Christian life and service.  Please watch this video recommendation from Pastor Mark Dever of Capital Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C.: *|YOUTUBE:Yfg9z7jsbKw|* see also

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God’s Ultimate Motivation

I really enjoyed meditating on God’s ultimate motivation this morning from Justin Taylor’s blog. For my name’s sake I defer my anger, for the sake of my praise I restrain it for you, that I may not cut you off. Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake, I do it, for how should my name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another. —Isaiah 48:9-11 see also

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God’s Will

Can You Miss God’s Will For Your Life? Written by Stephen Altrogge Quote from Article: The Bible doesn’t tell us what we’re supposed to feel about our decisions. Instead, it tells us how to make biblical, God-honoring decisions. So if you have a big decision to make, don’t freak out. Instead, go to the Word, ask for wisdom, and get others involved. see also

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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