October 2012

Platt Interviews Dever on Disciple-Making

Here are two parts to David Platt’s interview with Mark Dever on evangelism, disciple-making, and other related issues. Much of this discussion is particularly relevant to the purpose of Multiply: To learn more about Multiply, go here.To learn more about the Multiply Gathering, go here.To register for the Multiply Gathering (for free!), go here. see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Real Preaching is DIfferent

There are tremendous differences between “motivational speaking” and “biblical preaching.” In America today, many churches offer one or the other. One approach leaves people “encouraged” in their emotions and in their “self-esteem.” The other builds up Christians in the Gospel as the Holy Spirit applies the Scriptures to the hearts and minds of the hearers.   Motivational speakers tell a lot of stories and seek to sway through emotion and pop psychology. Biblical preachers tell some stories, but above all seek to have people influenced by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. Motivational speakers may or may not

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Disciplemaking: Cross + Community + Culture

Disciplemaking: Cross + Community + Culture: origionally posted at Missional Challenge – aligning every believer with the redemptive mission of Jesus!   Missional Circles highlighted the emphasis for church planters to understand that… Every believer has been sent by Jesus with the Cross in Community to the Culture for the King and His Kingdom! The following chart focuses on  thee importances of developing specific disciplemaking practices to live this out that include Habits of Faith, Hope and Love. Every believer has a responsibility to take the message of the cross together in community with other Christians to those in the culture around them. This

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Fred Zaspel’s Preface to Whomever He Wills

Fred Zaspel’s Preface to Whomever He Wills: from Credo: The Magazine [Editor’s Note: As a teaser to the book, we would like to make available Fred Zaspel’s preface to Whomever He Wills: A Surprising Display of Sovereign Mercy, edited by Matthew Barrett and Thomas Nettles (professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary).]A century ago in his Plan of Salvation B.B. Warfield argued powerfully that if a Theist allows the necessary implications of the Theism he has already embraced, he must be a Calvinist. That is to say, soteriological Calvinism is but the implicate, the necessary consequence of Theism. It is simply God

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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