May 2013
Can You Surrender Your Worldview to "Prove" It???
“Can you prove that God (the God of the Bible) exists without using the Bible?” by Arctic Pilgrim Often, the person asking this question does not understand the implications of what he or she is asking. Taken in the context of the larger question this usually is a part of, whether or not the God of the Bible exists, he is begging the question, as he is presupposing the insufficiency of Scripture to prove the existence of the God of the Bible. In other words, he is taking for granted that the Bible is not true (by doubting its claims of
God Existence is Proven
You have likely heard that it is impossible to prove that God exists. You have heard wrong. Not only can the existence of God be proven, but denying the proof undermines rational thought. In this powerful 3-part training series, Sye TenBruggencate equips average, everyday Christians to defend the Gospel with irrefutable proof that God exists in addition to what unbelievers already know – and may be suppressing. see also
Logic must be to the glory of God
If you ever wanted a comprehensive read on logic from a Christian worldview, here is the book for you Book Description For Christians looking to improve critical thinking skills, here is an accessible introduction to the study of logic as well as an in-depth treatment of the discipline from a professor with six academic degrees and over 30 years experience teaching. Questions for further reflection are included at the end of each chapter as well as helpful diagrams and charts for use in college and graduate-level classrooms. –Vern Poythress has undertaken a radical recasting of the study of logic in
HP#4: MP3s – Historic Premillennialism: A Biblical Alternative to "Left Behind" Eschatology
Here are some mp3s you can download and listen to in the car as you drive. Historic Premillennialism: A Biblical Alternative to “Left Behind” Eschatology This conference was graciously underwritten by a friend of the Seminary. It was April 23-25, 2009 on Denver Seminary’s campus. Recordings of the sessions are available in streaming and downloadble (mp3) format below. Just click the appropriate link to listen or download. Sessions Plenary Speech 1Dr. Craig Blomberg “Why We Don’t Have to Wait for the Great Commission to Be Fulfilled Before Christ Returns: The Problems with Postmillennialism”stream | download Session 1Dr. Sung Wook Chung “Who are the
Dave McClellan on Preaching by Ear
“…A preacher can preach from notes or manuscripts, or they can draw upon something more internal that has been composed in the soul. I found that when I spoke about content that I had internalized and was very close to my heart, I felt more natural and comfortable and communicated better as well. But I also found that my literary homiletic background didn’t prepare me to “preach by ear.” I was taught to prepare sermons on paper and in private, and I didn’t realize there were any other options. Lately I’ve been exploring a more oral approach to preparation and
The Essential and Prominent Place of Preaching in Worship on Vimeo
The Essential and Prominent Place of Preaching in Worship from Desiring God on Vimeo. see also
Irenic Complementarianism is how it should be
Whether you’re an egalitarian or a complementarian, I appreciate Darrin Patrick’s irenic (peaceable) spirit that he has about this issue. see also
Beginning to Study the Whole Purpose of God A Christo-Presuppositional Approach to the Entire Scriptures
By Max StrangeBiblical Theological Study Center 1/19/2011 Beginning to Study the Whole Purpose of God A Christo-Presuppositional Approach to the Entire Scriptures Guiding Principles: Find the preliminary meaning of the text as it was understood by the original recipients. Seek to understand the message as it was first delivered to the people of God. (Kaiser) This involves the structure of the text, immediate context, author and audience relationship, the speech and the act that takes place. We begin to take note of the themes, repetitions, allusions, genre, and typology. This involves exegesis and the historical-grammatico method Immediate context is vital;
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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more