October 2015

What Was Missing In The Movie: “God’s Not Dead”

I loved the movie “God’s not Dead”, because it moved me.  It is amazing how stories move us and I am fascinated how this applies to our communication of the Gospel in preaching and evangelism.  I want to not just give people information but move them emotionally.  In making disciples there is “no motion without emotion.”   A mentor will never multiply other disciples if he cannot reach all parts of the mind (reason, emotion, will).  This movie made me cry, cheer, sad, and euphoric.  The proclamation of the Gospel should also do the same for those who truely believe it.  We

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Introduction to Theology (Session 8) – Sources of Theology

Session Overview What are the sources that Christians should go to for truth? Is experience a valid source? How about emotion? Or should we only turn to the Scriptures when looking for truth? In this important session we will examine all the sources for truth that are available, evaluating them for their trustworthiness. This session rebuilds the stage of truth that will be used for the remainder of the program. The student should leave with a better understanding of the benefits and deficiencies of emotion, experience, reason, tradition, general revelation, and special revelation. Session Reading (for self-study students) Roger Olsen,

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Obscurantism is defined as a rejection of or opposition to enlightenment. The question becomes, “Is refusal to admit new insight and perspectives in one’s understanding obscurantist?” Oxford Professor Charles A. Whittuck contends that obscurantism is a primary temptation for those of religious conviction, if for no other reason that it is found more in religion than anywhere else. The term was used during the Renaissance of those who opposed the new learning, and during the nineteenth century in Catholicism of those who desired to preserve the medieval Catholic Church unchanged. From a social perspective some of the extremely conservative Mennonite communities,

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Do some Christians have an inability to separate their understanding of truth from TRUTH itself?

I see a tendency that is present in each individual who studies theology. That tendency is to identify our own understanding of the truth with the truth itself. That understanding becomes so tightly held that there is the irrational fear that reality itself will come unraveled if we are to change our position or open our minds to new perspectives. One might even charge that with some degree of accuracy that the inability to separate our understanding of truth from TRUTH itself is a claim that we have, at least on this issue the complete understanding of God himself. Read

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A Pilgrim Theology Quote

Some theologians, however, being either unable or unwilling to pursue their quarry any further, become entrenched…. They learn to tolerate unremedied paradox when unremedied paradox should be shunned. Perhaps they do so because to them the prospect of going back (perhaps even to the beginning) is too unsettling and too daunting. Rather than striking out in a new direction, or pioneering uncharted territories in search of the doctrinal Northwest Passage they hunker down and plant settlements in comfortable valleys, having decided at last that they will never reach the sea, or even continue to try. They have forgotten that, in

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Into to Theology – Session 7 – Traditions in Christian Theology

Session Overview What is the difference between Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism? What does it mean to be Evangelical? Why are there so many denominations? This session overviews the history of Christianity with the intent of explaining what are the basic differences between the various traditions of Christianity. The student should leave with a better understanding of why the Protestant Reformation took place and what has happened in Christian theology since. The student will learn the basic differences between Christian liberals, fundamentalists, and evangelicals. Session Reading (for self-study students) Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, pp. 47-53 Roger Olsen, Mosaic of Christian Belief, pp. 49-69

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What Is New Covenant Theology?

It’s not a new version of Covenant Theology, it it the theology of the New Covenant. It is a Christ-centered worldview. It’s all about Jesus Christ! He is the firstborn of all creation (Colossians 1).

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Intro to Theology – Session 6 – Defining Essentials and Non-Essentials

Session Overview What are the essential beliefs that make a Christian a Christian? What are the core beliefs that someone must believe to be saved? Are there truths that are relative? If so, how do we know which ones? In this session the student will struggle with these difficult questions. The goal here is not that everyone comes to complete agreement, but that we begin to dialogue about such issues, understanding that failure to do so has produced legalism where people are judging others for not agreeing with them on each and every detail on non-essential issues. The student should also

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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