Each year I desire to read the bible through. I have used different plans, different methods, and give myself a lot of grace when I miss days. My purpose is to read through the bible devotionally so that I can master the bible in my lifetime. Each year I compile links to articles, books, and reading plans that may be helpful. Here is my this year:
First Baptist Church of Liberty, TX Bible Reading Resources for 2020
- My church’s Full reading plan:
- Table Talk’s Bible in a year reading for 2020 – similar to my church’s reading plan (I will need to check to see if it is exactly the same)
- 1 OT and 1 NT Daily Bible Reading plan (Alt. OT/NT plan)
- With the Word: The Chapter-by-Chapter Bible Handbook by Warren Wiersbe
- sbc.net/devotions/
- How To Read The Bible by Michael Horton
- Reading The Bible as 1 biblical story that leads you to Jesus
- Bible Reading Record
- James Gray on Mastering the Bible by Fred Sanders
- How to Change Your Mind by Joe Carter
- Book: Esv Daily Bible Reading
Other Reading Plans for 2020
- Ligonier Bible Reading Plans for 2020
- Bible Study Tools thru the Bible in a Year Reading Plans
- My Favorite Bible in a Year Reading Plan by Melissa Kruger
- https://www.backtothebible.org/old-beginning-to-end-reading-plan
- Read the Bible with TGC in 2020
- Bible Reading Chart
- Table Talk’s Bible in a year reading for 2020
- The Radicle experiment: Read through the entire Word
- My Simple Bible Reading Plan for Deeper Study (as a busy homemaker)
- Bible Reading Plans (2010) by Justin Taylor
- For the Love of God devotional for McChayne plan by D.A. Carson
- Crosswalk Bible Reading Plans
- The Ultimate List of Bible Reading plans (2019)
- Bible: Esv Daily Bible Reading
Articles for Bible Reading
- https://www.wikihow.com/Read-The-Bible-In-a-Year
- 5 Ways to Read the Bible for Personal Application by Joe Carter
- James Gray on Mastering the Bible by Fred Sanders
- How to Change Your Mind by Joe Carter
Videos Pertaining to Bible Reading
- How To Read The Bible by Michael Horton
- Reading The Bible as 1 biblical story that leads you to Jesus
Memorizing Scripture
Memory Verse Card Maker
Fighter Verses Memory Verses (Weekly)
The Fighter Verses Program is designed to encourage believers to fight the fight of faith by memorizing God’s Word. Each week individuals, families, and churches are all encouraged to memorize a verse or short passage of Scripture together. We pray that God would instill your heart with the conviction and yearning to memorize His Word so that it becomes a life-long practice.
6X6 Scripture Memory Method
A Call to Bible Memory by Sally Michael