A Justification Debate Long Overdue – The Gospel Coalition Blog

A Justification Debate Long Overdue – The Gospel Coalition Blog

Collen Hansen summarizes the Evangelical Theological Society proceedings this last week where Dr. Thomas Schreiner and Dr. N. T. Wright engaged in a debate over justification.
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I remained convinced that “Justification” is a soteriological issue and that Dr. Shreiner is correct in his critique of N.T. Write’s view of justification.  It is reported in this article (that you should read for yourself) that  are three false polarities that Shreiner said Wright perpetuates:

  1. Wright argues that justification is primarily about ecclesiology instead of soteriology.
  2. Wright says Israel’s fundamental problem was failing to bless the world. But Paul focuses on Israel’s inherent sinfulness.
  3. Wright contends that justification is a declaration of God’s righteousness but does not include the imputation of God’s righteousness.
There is a short audio response from Dr. Albert Mohler at the end of the article that is good as well.

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