Acts 3:22-26 – God Bless You!

(I am indeated to John Piper for the Idea and structure of this sermon

Fallen conditon Focus: We don’t remember the blessings of God and don’t anticipate them in the future

Theme: God desires to move toward you with great blessing!

  • 3:25
  • 3:26

Questions: What do we mean when we say God is blessing us? How do we take the vagueness out of the Word bessing at Christmas (i.e. Incarnation Worship Service) and give it some wallop?

1. The coming of Jesus is a blessing because it proves God tells the truth – God can be trusted – (3:22, 24, 25)

  • Romans 15:8
  • If forsaken, moral and spiritual life disintegrates – Personally, culturally, sociali

2. The coming of Jesus is a blessing because he comes as a prophet like Moses (3:22, 23)

  • no conflict between law and grace
  • we needs someone to reveal the truth that God tells us
  • John 14:6
  • we need jesus as Prophet, Priest, and King
  • there is a narrow way that leads to life and a broad way that leads to distruction (Matt. 7:13-14)
  • Land mines example

3. The coming of Jsus is a blessing because he turns us from our wickedness (3:26)

  • Acts 15:9
  • Acts 26:18
  • The New Moses did not show us the way and then stand aside to watch us struggle
  • He joins us on the way and actively turns us away from evil
  • the difference between the New Moses and what the scribes made out of the Old Moses is found in Luke 11:46.


You are among the famlies of the earth mentioned in verse 25

I offer you 3 Chrsitmas (Incarnation) Gifts today:

  • Jesus came prove God’s truthfulness – receive it
  • Jesus came as a prophet like Moses – trust Him
  • Jesus came to turn you from wickedness – depend on him
see also
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