Bible Memory Plan Chart – 2 verses a day

Bible Memory Plan Chart – 2 or more verses a day
by Glenn Leatherman

The following is a suggested way to memorize verses, passages and books of the Bible.
Time Required (2 verses a day): 5 minutes in the Morning and 5 minutes in the Evening

  • Each day you start by picking a verse randomly or by selecting the next verse in the passage or book you are memorizing. Then you follow the Action steps and you will find you too can memorize
  • The net effect of this memorizing system is to have (once you have gone past 5 days) 10 current verses in this case (your “Current Window” of verses) that you are reviewing each day.
  • Memorize Monday – Friday and take the weekends off. During the weekends you can review all of the book or passage you are memorizing. Not just the 10 current verses.
  • If you are not memorizing a verse a day you can repeat the action steps for the verse or verses you are memorizing and select a new verse(s) every other day or every week according to your schedule.



What Verse(s)

How many times?

Without Looking?

How Perfect?

Repeat if I mess Up?

1.   Read

Weekday Mornings (M-F)

Current Verse 3X No Perfect – Word for Word


2.   Resay (without looking)

Weekday Mornings (M-F) Current Verse 1X Yes Only the best you can


3.   wRite (Record in Notebook or on Note card)

Weekday Mornings (M-F) Current Verse 1X No Perfect – Word for Word


4.   Reread
(What you “wRote”)

Weekday Mornings (M-F) Current Verse 3X No Perfect – Word for Word


5.   Recite

Weekday Mornings (M-F) Current Verse 1X Yes Only the best you can


6.   Rehearse

Weekday Mornings (M-F)

All verses from current day


Yes Only the best you can


7. Repeat?

Do you want to Memorize another verse today?·
If Yes go to step #1
If No  go to step #8

8.   Render Weekday Mornings (M-F) All verses from last 5 weekdays  


Yes Only the best you can  


9.   Restate Weekday Evenings (M-F) All verses from last 5 weekdays  


Yes Perfect – Word for Word  


10.   Review Weekend Any or all verses from the past  

Up to you


Yes, If you still can

Perfect – Word for Word  


A.  God commands us to memorize His Word and hide it in our hearts.
B.  Anyone can Memorize
C.  The Key to memorizing is Review, Review, Review….
D.  You need to apply what you memorize
E.  You need accountability so memorize with a friend, family member, or a group
F.  You need to set attainable goals
G.  You can increase the number of verses you are memorizing as it becomes easier. (And it will become easier).
H.  A verse is not memorized until you can’t forget it (ie. Just try to forget your name!)
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