Bible Reading for 2017

Over the years I have come to believe that reading the Bible through regularly (usually every year) is the best discipline for spiritual growth, despite the difficult challenges that can cause you to quit reading or apply Christ’s word to your life.   There are so many ways to read the Bible, that it is sometimes difficult to choose just one way, because we want to do it all now.  Nevertheless, you need choose a way to read the Bible regularly and devotionally.  First you must choose your method. For example, you can choose between the following:

  1. A Bible-in-a-Year reading plan
  2. An  Old and New Testament simultaneous yearly reading plan (or another kind of segmented plan)
  3. A Chronical, Literary, Historical, Kingdom, or Thematic Reading of the Bible in a year.
  4. A Specialty reading plans that take you through different parts of the Bible on different days, weeks, or months.
  5. A Blended Reading Plan.
  6. Reading the Bible in some way over 2 or 3 years.


I would also look at some of the following Reading helps that you can purchase to read along with your Bible to help you gain a broad understand of the daily readings:

365 Devotional Commentary of the Entire Bible  (or at Devotional Commentary of entire Bible) by Laurance O. Richards

The Bible Reader’s Companion: Your Guide to Every Chapter of the Bible by Laurance O. Richards

How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour  by Gordon D. Fee  and  Douglas Stuart

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary on the Bible       •Read the Web Version,        •Buy at Amazon,      •Download the PDF Version

Reader’s Companion to the 5 dayBible Reading Program (2017) download-  See Below for the plan    (Option: buy from Amazon)

MacArthur’s Bible Handbook

Unger’s Bible Handbook

Ryken’s Bible Handbook

With the Word: The Chapter-by-Chapter Bible Handbook

Holman Bible Handbook



Here are some articles on Regular Scheduled Bible Reading

Why We Neglect Our Bibles

How to Read the Bible for Yourself

Resolved: To Read the Bible

Habits of Grace – Enjoying Jesus Through the Spiritual Disciplines


Reading the Whole Bible in 2016: AN FAQ
An article filled with all sorts of helps.  Even answers the Question: How long does it take to read the Bible in a year?  (Answer: 10 minutes a day)


Great Everyday Through the Whole Bible Plans (My Favorites)

Bible Pathway Devotional through the entire Bible  (with Daily Commentary) – (Option: You can purchase a monthly printed version)  (Download a free online version at SBC Devotions here or at Christianity today here)
Bible Pathway is a daily devotional broken up into 15 minutes per day to allow you to complete the Bible in a year.

Book at a time Bible Reading Plan
It provides two readings for each day. The first reading alternates between Old and New Testament books. The second reading takes you through a chapter of the wisdom literature and Isaiah.

5 Day Bible Readin)Program (2017)  (Free)   –  (click here for explanation) – see the Readers Companion to this program above
The Five Day Bible Reading Schedule’s secret is that you only have to read five times a week, not every day. This allows time for catching up, taking a day off, read other parts of the Bible to prepare for Bible class, etc.

Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan
By reading from four separate places in the Scripture every day, you should be able to better grasp the unity of the Scriptures, as well as enjoy the variety of seeing four different viewpoints. You can begin at any point of the year.

365 video Devotional

Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan
Read the New Testament and Psalms twice and the Old Testament once.

The Kingdom Bible Reading Plan (PDF)
The KINGDOM Bible Reading Plan gives you three Old Testament readings per day and the New getting one reading per day over 25 days per month.   In a single year, one reads through Psalms twice and all other biblical books once.

Bible Gateway Begining [to End] Bible Reading Plan


ESV Bible Reading Plans

Chronological Bible Reading Plan (

Daily Reading Bible (

ESV Study Bible Daily Reading Plan

ESV Literary Study Bible Reading Plan

Through the Bible in a Year Reading Plan

M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan


Speciality Reading place you should consider

“Genres” Bible Reading Plan (literature) Style

The Bible in 90 Days – Reading Schedule

The 2 Year Bible Reading Plan


Bible Reading Plan Websites and Articles

Bible Plan (with option for: Daily Bible Email Reading Reminders)

Bible Pathway Devotional through the Entire Bible (with Daily Commentary) – (You can purchase a monthly printed version)

Into Thy Word Bible Reading Plans

23 Bible Reading Plans That Will Satisfy Anyone


Other Reading Plans

Audio Bible Reading Plan

Ligonier Reading Plans

Professor Horner’s System

The Read Scripture Plan (from the Bible Project)

Annual Bible Reading Chart

The Change Your Mind Plan

God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment

Table Talk bible Reading Plan

Read the Gospels Every Day Plan


Past Posts about Bible Reading

Bible Reading Plans – 2016 (First Post)

Bible Raading Plans for 2016 (2nd Post)

Pick a Bible Reading Plan for 2015

Bible Reading Plans for 2013

Bible Reading Plans for Your Devotionals for 2011

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