I have used the Navigator’s hand illustration to help me remember and practice Bible intake for years. The following links are categorized according to these categories of Bible Intake. Please use these links to help you prepare for your Bible reading and intake for 2023.
Bible Reading/Intake Plans
Ligonier Bible Reading Plans (All of Them)
My Favorites
Tabletalk Bible Reading Plan – Two readings each day, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. You can also follow the Tabletalk reading plan through the Ligonier app. Duration: One year | Download: PDF
Similar Plan (Self-Generated) to Tabletalk Bible Reading plan – 2 readings a day – one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Duration: One Year | Download: Self-Generated Plan that is similar to the Tabletalk Plan
Straight-through-the-Bible Reading Plan – Read straight through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Duration: One year | Download: PDF
The Discipleship Journal Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan – Two daily readings, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Complete an entire book in each testament before moving on. Duration: One year | Download: PDF
ESV Daily Bible Reading Plan – Four daily readings taken from four lists: Psalms and wisdom literature, Pentateuch and history of Israel, Chronicles and prophets, and Gospels and epistles. Duration: One year | Download: PDF
Bible in a Year – This plan takes you through the entire Bible with two readings each day: one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Duration: One year | App: Accessible on YouVersion. Download the app.
⇒Bible Reading Plan Generator – Still can’t find a plan that works for you? Generate your own. Duration: You decide | Online: Bible Reading Plan Generator
Read the Bible Plan (4 places a day)
Bible Reading Plans 2023 (Bible Study Tools)
Read the Bible for Life One-Year Chronological Reading Plan
Discipleship Journal Reading Plan (Pack of 25)
Preparing to Intake and Listen to God’s Word
Plant Yourself in God Word (Psalm 1:3)
Devotional: How to delight in God’s Word
Article: How Can You Know That The Bible is True
Message: Long for the Pure Milk of The Word
Article: Don’t Say God Is Silent with Your Bible Closed
Does God Speak Verbally to Me (Listen or read)
Listening to the Word
Free Book: Take Care How You Listen by John Piper
Article: Take Care How You Listen
Message: Take Care How You Listen (Part 1)
Message: Take Care How You Listen (Part 2)
Studying God’s Word
Nav Press Bible Studies on books of the Bible
Memorizing Scripture
Summary of the Extended Memorization of Scripture by Andy Davis
PDF: An Approach to the Extended Memorization of Scripture by Andy Davis
Logos Book: An Approach to the Extended Memorization of Scriptuire
Book Purchase or download: An Approach to the Extended Memorization of Scripture
Examples of Scripture Memory Covenants You Cann Use
Summary of the Extended Memorization of Scripture by Andy Davis
Bible Memory Plan Chart – 2 verses a day
“Christolized” Christ-Centered Bible Memory
Is it Possible to Memorize the ENTIRE Bible? (how long would it take?)
Scripture Meditation
Biblical Meditation – Let the Puritans be Your Teachers
10 Ways to Effectively Practice Biblical Meditation
God Battle Plan for the Mind (Logos)
Biblical Meditation (Bible.org)
What is Biblical Meditation? (Our Daily Bread)
Bible Reading Posts From Prior Years
Bible Consumption Plans for 2021
2019 Bible Reading Stuff Around the Web
5 Reasons to Read the Entire Bible in 2016
Pick a Bible Read plan for 2015
10-10-10-10-10 Rule for Bible Reading
Bible Reading Plans for your Devotionals for 2011
Bible Reading Plans – Justin Taylor
Bible Reading Plans, Daily One Year Schedule
More info on Professor Horner’s Bible Reading System
Where to Start Reading: 40 Suggestions