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Bible Reading Plans, Daily One Year Schedule

Here is a way to stay accountable to reading through the Bible in 2011 by using a customized Bible reading progress tracking chart.

Several Bible Reading Plans, Daily One Year Schedule
Book oder, Chronological, Classic, Old Testament/New Testament, Prof. Horner Reading system

My Opinion on the absolute importance of Reading the Bible according to a plan: There is no other way to get the BIG PICTURE of God’s plan of redemption or history of Salvation which is necessary to interpret any verses you study in bible study correction. We must be about placing the individual texts of scritpure into their canonical context at the 66,000 ft. level (since there are 66 books in the bible), rather than constantly interpreting passages or verses (at the runway level) with only partial contextual understanding (maybe at the 500 ft level or at the 1,000 ft level). As one interprets each verse they need to see how that one verse relates to context of God’s activity as recorded in the bible throughout history (past, present, and future). This will help you place the passage you are studying in the right epoch as you see how it adds color and context to God’s purposes of redemption (God’s Big Story or God’s metanarative). 

In this way you will also be able to apply Biblical truths to your live CORRECTLY AND RIGHTLY rather than having the Bible serve as a answer book or a moral code book (which almost drives me as crazy on BAD INTERPRETATIONS this produces as asking how someone feels about a passage).   Biblical Theology is essential to right and proper exegesis as it is to Systematic Theology which should bridge the gap from yesterday to to day in our application of Scripture in our preaching and evangelism.  

Reading through the bible systematically according to a plan will help you evangelize because you will be able to place other people’s sinful and rebellious) stories into God’s Big Story (or metanarrative) in order to show How God, in creating the world, is good and just to place man under his condemnation, punishment, and wrath because of his rebellion to God and his kingdom is under the just punishment and condemnation of God with the only hope of salvation or rescue in the person and work of Christ Jesus (God’s son).  Evangelism then doesn’t slide down into a rattling off of scripture passages / verses or shallowly trying to get people to accept Jesus without any evidence of life or genuine repentance and faith, but evangelism becomes a powerful means of preaching the whole counsel of God’s word as God convicts sinners of their since and graciously saves them through the means of the word of God through His Spirit.   

Most Christians engage in bad bible studies in churches because they don’t regularly and systematically read through the entire bible according to a plan which prevents them from placing any verse (runway level or 1ft level) in its proper canonical context in God’s story, plan and purpose of redemption (the 66,000 ft level).  When you read your bibles in this way you will see the connection between the Old and New Testaments open up like never before.  

I say this to myself as well.  I need to read the Bible – systematically, regularly, daily, and according to a plan.  Why?  because I want to know God through Jesus Christ his son so much and experience Gospel growth in my life.    “Lord God, I want to trust you more!!!! – So I will read Your Word”

From the “Bible Study Tools” website they say:

You can chose a reading plan there from the following

  • a. Book Order – Read from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 in the order in which the books of the Bible are arranged.
  • b. Chronological – Read the Bible in the order that the events happened.
  • c. Classic – Read 3 passages each day, starting with Genesis, Psalms, and Luke. From the original Bible Study Tools reading plan.
  • d. Old Testament and New Testament – Read one passage from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament each day.
  • e. Prof. Horner’s Reading System – A unique and challenging system where you read 10 chapters a day.

  • Then you can choose your Bible reading plan start date and preferred Bible translation, and start your daily Bible reading plan! Record your Bible reading progress by clicking the “Finished Reading” button at the top or bottom of the Bible in a Year reading page to record your completion.

From their website they say:

About the Bible Study Tools Reading Plan
Statistics show that most people professing faith in Jesus have never completely read their Bible. Many people start reading the Bible but then become overwhelmed by the number of chapters (1,189) and verses (31,102) there are. What we don’t realize is that we can read the Bible in a year by reading fewer than four chapters a day. By dividing the Bible into 365 daily readings, your goal of reading the Bible in a year can easily be accomplished. Here at Bible Study Tools, not only can you come and read the Bible on a daily basis, but we can help you chart your reading progress online during the year. That means you don’t have to wait until the New Year — you can start reading the Bible today. The Bible in a Year reading plan contains 365 daily readings designed to help you easily read the entire Bible in just one year. Simply select your preferred reading plan, the date you wish to begin, your preferred translation, and then click the button. We will create your customized progress chart, and you’ll be on your way!

Tips on Reading the Bible Daily
1. Start reading the Bible today — there is no better time, and there’s no reason to wait.
2. Set aside a specific time each day. Set your schedule and then stick to it. Mornings are great, but feel free to use any time that works consistently for you.
3. Read the Bible for the sake of learning, not simply to accomplish your next reading. Say a short prayer to God before you begin, asking the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding, then be refreshed by the words you read!
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