Good Biblical dialogue
Many dialogues today are very immature from my perspective. I love it when believers can talk about Scripture and their beliefs in a winsome and humble way in an effort to learn from each other and not just talking past each other. I love it when other brothers and sisters in Christ can dialog in a agreeable way over their different perspectives in an effort to learn and grow to know Christ more fully. Chandler, Horton, Keller on How to Disagree from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.The terms of theological have changed rapidly and dramatically with the spread of the internet.
Theological Conversations
On May 1, respected author and speaker John Piper sat down with Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church. Piper quizzed Warren on the doctrine surrounding his book, “Purpose Driven Life.” Piper presents Warren with direct and relevant questions about his influences, why he wrote the book, and how he defends the declarations he makes. Watch as Piper and Pastor Rick discuss topics such as the glory of God, whether negative life circumstances are caused by God, and more. This informative and inspiring interview gives deeper insight in to the author and pastor. Embedded media from <a href=””>Saddleback Media Center</a>
DeYoung, Duncan, Mohler: What’s New About the New Calvinism on Vimeo
DeYoung, Duncan, Mohler: What’s New About the New Calvinism on Vimeo DeYoung, Duncan, Mohler: What’s New About the New Calvinism from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.TGC council members Kevin DeYoung, Ligon Duncan, and Albert Mohler discuss the eclectic movement of new Calvinism, including the need for enthusiasts to identify and settle in a particular ecclesial home. see also
Key Quote from "A Form of Sound Words" by Charles Spurgeon
Charles Surgeon: Form of Sound Words, p. 634-636 2 Timothy 1:13 “In the first place, every deviation from truth is a sin. It is not simply a sin for me to do a wrong act, but it is a sin for me to believe a wrong doctrine. Lately our ministers have absolved us all from obeying God in our judgments; they have told us point blank, (many of them, in their drawing-rooms, and some of them in the pulpit) that we shall never be asked in the day of judgment what we believed. We have been told that for our
Theology Unplugged – How Long Should Your Doctrinal Statement Be? Part 1
Theology Unplugged – How Long Should Your Doctrinal Statement Be? Part 1: “Join Michael Patton, Tim Kimberley and special guest Sam Storms as they discuss how broad or narrow doctrinal statements should be.” Original audio source (TUProgram116doctrinalstatments01.mp3) see also
Is Unity Without Truth Possible?
“Fuzzy truth” is often preferred as a means of providing supposed unity. The idea is, stay with broad general definitions of terms, so that the maximum number of Christians will feel comfortable with each other’s beliefs. But is this true unity? And which is more important, truth or unity? see also
Proclamation of the Gospel and Doctrine (Part 1)
Over the past years I have discovered that doctrinal precision is important. I had Dr. Millard Erickson as my systematic professor, who when asked about why we cannot just do missions and evangelism and not be concerned with doctrine, stated that the United Methodist church was at the same place 80 years ago on missions and evangelism as the SBC is today, and today the UMC doesn’t have even a fraction of its passion for mission and evangelism left. What happened? Dr. Erickson believes that this slide in the proclamation of the Gospel can be traced back to the lack
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Glenn Leatherman
I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more