
Speaking the Word Freely

I keep looking for ways to let the Holy Spirit lead in my preaching.  For me it is in the discipline of Extemporaneous Preaching.  here is a book that will help anyone along this journey. Speaking the Word Freely by Jerry Larson see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Wesleyan Sermons » With or Without Notes

Here is a good website to learn to preach without notes. Wesleyan Sermons » With or Without Notes He uses a mapping process to create sermons, which I think is very helpful. see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Extemporaneous style of preaching good for most…

Good Biblical exposition (preaching) is best done in an extemporaneous style for most (not all) preachers. I currently preach without notes much better and I explain things more exactly when I preach this way on my feet than when I preached with a full manuscript. My experience tells me that most preachers would benefit of preaching extemporaneously, because if frees them from their notes to actually think and and prevents them from plagiarizing themselves in the pulpit. Preachers may make full manuscripts or notes or outlines or mind-maps in preparation for preaching. Writing is good and very important to get

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SermonAudio.com – The Extemporaneous Mode of Preaching

Here is a great lecture by Dr. John Carrick on Extemporaneous preaching and the need for it as the primary method of delivery sermons.   He sums up this method in the end in contrast by saying “Paper is a very porr medium from which to carry fire.”  Listen and enjoy and let me know what you think if this. SermonAudio.com – The Extemporaneous Mode of Preaching Summary of message: Dr. John Carrick believes that the best mode or method of delivery of sermons is the extemporaneous method by a long shot.  he even gives the example of Jonathan Edwards move toward an extemporaneous

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Does It Make Sense?

Does It Make Sense?: ” by Peter MeadIt seems obvious, but it needs to be said. When we speak we need to make sure we make sense. There are various reasons why we may not make sense to our listeners. Here are a few to be aware of:1. Obscure Language – If you obfuscate using technical, rare or archaic vocabulary, then you will lose folks. They will probably still compliment you on your “deep” message, but be alert enough to spot the implication of that encouraging feedback!2. Unknown Illustrations – Your illustration from the world of online war games, submarine

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Notes or no notes?

I preach usually at least twice a week-often more-and find that by using hardly any notes – an outline on one side of a sheet of paper that I have to know my text, preaching point, and sermonic outline very very well. In the past I used full notes, but have grown to realize (for me at least) that full notes can lead to more of a historical or exgetical lecture than actually shepherding people with God’s Word.  Biblical Preaching Notes or No Notes? by Peter Mead  see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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