
How my preaching of the Old Testament has changed

 Oh how I can resonate with the following quote: When I first started preaching 14 years ago, most of my sermons showed a severe disregard for the Old Testament. And even when I crafted a message from one of those books, I was not trying to see the passage post-Easter. I handled the Old Testament as if Jesus hadn’t come.Don’t read the Old Testament pretending Jesus didn’t happen. After Jesus died and rose from the dead, his disciples saw the ancient promises differently. Those promises were no longer suspended in mid-air but became yes in Jesus. The types had found their antitype,

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John Davis : Hermeneutical Issues in the Dispensational Understanding of the Abrahamic Covenant – Quodlibet Journal

Here is a great article on a correct understanding of interpreting the Bible according to its canonical context.  This helps all students of Scripture undrstand what is meant byLiteral interpretation,Bifurcation of the material in the two TestamentsTheological CorrespondenceProgressive RevelationTypologyGrammatical-historical InterpretationThe Unity of the covenantsI love some of these quotes in this article including: Why could not the Old Testament revelation be thought of as the grain of sand, which, after entering the oyster of progressive revelation, has the pearl of additional and deeper concepts added to it without necessarily canceling out the original grain of sand (Fuller 1957, 233)? The history of exegesis

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A Little Something Called Context

It seems that Atheists don’t do their homework when they read Literature like the Bible.  One must engage the Authors of the Bible (Both God and man) and their presuppositions and contexts to understand meaning.  It seems that when people don’t, they can incorrectly invent any discrepancies in the Bible that they want.  The following link is a refutation of an atheist’s misinterpretation of Scripture by Douglas Wilson. A Little Something Called Context see also

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Placing a Bible Verse in the pattern of Sound Words (2 Timothy 1:13)

I continue to study and work on how the bible frames the demands of the New Testament Law upon unbelievers since we have a new lawgiver Jesus instead of Moses. This concept of framing is very important because to now see every verse in its Canonical framework can make us misuse texts. Paul says to Timothy: “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 1:13 ESV). Notice that we are not just to follow the words but the pattern (the framework) of sound

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Thoughts on Biblical Interpretation

The New Covenant Journal posted what I believe to be helpful little article on some principles to help you interpret the Bible.   Which principle below is the most helpful for you in your study of Scripture?  How should one interpret Proverbs 22:6 specifically according to proper interpretative principles? Thoughts on Biblical Interpretation:  [The following is an outline of a class I recently taught dealing with how to study the Bible. It’s just a skeleton, but maybe it will provoke some thoughts for your contemplation.] I. Biblical balance and tension Principles and guidelines—1. We must remember that the Bible was

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James Hamilton: "from start to finish, the OT is a messianic document"

James Hamilton: “from start to finish, the OT is a messianic document”: “ Dr. Hamilton Says: “The use of the OT in the New has been much discussed, with some coming to the conclusion that, to put it simply, the authors of the NT wrongly interpreted the OT. This being the case, their exegesis cannot be legitimately imitated today. Those who come to this conclusion are sometimes mystified as to how the authors of the NT could possibly see a reference to the Messiah in texts the NT applies to him, at points even arguing that particular applications of OT

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How Do You Literally Interpret the Bible?

Sam Waldron is writing about John MacArthurs literal hermeneutic to show that Biblical Christians do believe in a literal hermeneutic. I love the comrade that is show by Sam and the fact that both John MacArthur and Sam Waldron are closer in their stated understanding of hermeneutics that one may think. I appreciate both of these men of God and have learn much from them. The issue between dispensationalists and covenantentalists is one of the consistent application of a literal hermeneutic. The real question we all need to ask is that do we interpret all literature alike or are there

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Superficial Interpretation of the Bible

One of the most frustrating issues a pastor faces is when people interpret Scripture by their experiences and emotions. Have you ever heard “My God is not like that”? One the problems of superficial interpretation is “This verse means to me.” It doesn’t matter what it means to you or me. The question you should ask is “What does that verse mean if you did not exist, if you didn’t live?”. What does it mean period is the issue! It seems that people interpret the scriptures by their stage in life, their emotional attachment to past beliefs, feelings about averse,

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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