
Summary of the Extended Memorization of Scripture by Andy Davis

  DAILY PROCEDURE Action Step When? What Verse(s) How many times? Without Looking? How Perfect? Repeat if I mess Up? 1.   Rehearse Mornings (M-F or M-S) Yesterday’s verse(s) first 10X Including Verse #: “One-One” Cover page & look at your Bible when you need to Best that you can No 2.   Recite Mornings (M-F or M-S) Old Verses all together 1X Including Verse #: “One-One” Cover page & look at your Bible when you need to Best that you can No 3.   Read Mornings (M-F or M-S) New Verse(s) (Today’s) 10X Including Verse #: “One-One” Read looking at each Word

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Examples of Scripture Memory Covenants You Cann Use

Different covenants you can use to Memorize Colossians “Lord having sought you in prayer, I believe you have led me to memorize Colossians. I now dedicate myself to beginning this task with your help and for your glory by adding 1 new verse/weekday (5 days a week). I commit myself to memorize this book starting on October 24, 2022, and finishing by June 14, 2023. (133 Days +100 Days) “Lord having sought you in prayer, I believe you have led me to memorize Colossians. I now dedicate myself to beginning this task with your help and for your glory by

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“Christolized” Christ-Centered Bible Memory

Christolized Bible MemoryBy Dr. Dan Hayden Bible memory is not an end in itself.  The purpose of Scripture is to lead us into an intimate communion with Jesus Christ as our blessed Savior and wonderful Lord (John 5:29, 40).  Therefore, the highest motivation for committing verses to memory is to enhance that purpose.  When we can meditate upon the Word of the Lord at anytime, day or night, because we have stored it away in the recesses of our minds, then our talk with him is strengthened and our lives become more fruitful (Ps. 1:1-3).  What matters is not how

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Internalizing the Word of God is Important

C H Spurgeon tells a story which illustrates the importance of “internalizing” the Word of God… Now what is a diamond? Suppose it is one worth two hundred thousand pounds — and some of those I have mentioned are said to be worth more than that — yet it is nothing but a little solidified gas. This diamond may fitly represent the whole world, with all its pomp’s, and vanities, and pleasures, and glories. Puff! it’s gone into thin air; death turns; it all to gas. Set your affections on those things which time cannot destroy, which eternity cannot impair. There

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John Piper: Why Memorize Scripture?

John Piper: Why Memorize Scripture?:  Very Very convicting words by John Piper as he preaches on the importance and practical implications for memorizing Scripture . . .  I am convicted, how abut you? If you cannot see the video, just click on the link above.   see also

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Introducing the New Fighter Verses

Here is a key anouncement from the Fighter Verses Miistry Introducing the New Fighter Verses: Since 1997, Bethlehem Baptist Church has encouraged church-wide Bible memory using the Fighter Verse Bible memorization program. Preschoolers, children, youth, and adults have joined together to store up God’s word in their hearts. After 13 years, Fighter Verses has undergone a makeover—both in content and appearance—but the vision remains the same: To encourage the body of Christ to fight the fight of faith. To this end, Children Desiring God provides tools for church and home to equip believers in their memorization: Fighter Verses is a five-year

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Fighter Verses: Foundational Bible Verses to memorize

Fighter Verses is a great website to help you learn and actually do Bible memorization:   You can see the different sets of verses that they recommend you memorize at  while I recommend to memorize passages or books of the Bible, this is good for starting if you would rather do it this way.  On their website they describe their Bible Memory Plan in this way: The Fighter Verse Scripture memory plan is built on and powered by the belief that Jesus and his gospel are “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16)—not only the power for the initial faith of

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John Piper Sermon Jam on Scripture Memory

John Piper Sermon Jam on Scripture Memory: “I’m a big fan of sermon jams. I’m a bigger fan of Scripture memory. Check it! see also

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Memorising Scripture

Memorising Scripture: “ by John Brand (encourage expository excellence)It’s nearly two months since I posted on memorising scripture as a discipline in itself but also as part of sermon preparation (here). It’s nearly two months since went live, encouraging the memorising of longer passages of Scripture, rather than just isolated texts, important and necessary as that is. I thought I’d flag it up again by way of mentioning that we currently have about 60 people from all around the world memorising passages of Scripture and in the last 7 weeks or so have learned Psalms 1 and 19, 2 John

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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