Old Covenant

The Christian and the Law

The Christian and the Law: by Tim Etherington This is a great little post explaining a 50000 foot level view of the role of the law in the Christian life. Enjoy. Tim says:Recently I taught on Colossians 2:16-17 and we talked about the relationship between the Christian and the law. What I wanted to do was to point out that the issue of the Sabbath is important and is handled in different ways by Bible believing Christians. For me that opened the question of how we understand the relationship between the Christian and the Law. I decided to do some

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Responding to R. Scott Clark’s Theses on Covenant Theology

I appreciate Dr. R.K. MacGregor Write for writing up this response to Dr. R. Scott Clark’s Theses on Covenant Theology. It is God-centered, Bible saturated, Grace-loving,and passion producing Theology. I have generally came to embrace the basic themes associated with what Dr. R.K. MacGregor Wright is teaching here, as I see it as the most biblical way of understanding how the Bible fits together. These responses will help clarify a Biblical framework necessary for interpreting Scripture accurately, a Biblical understanding of and relationship to God’s Covenants and the Law.• R. Scott Clark 1.pdf• R. Scott Clark 2.pdf• R. Scott Clark

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Does the New Covenant break in any way with the Old Covenant

For a while I have been investigating the issue of covenant theology and other systems of theology that deal with the overarching theme(s) of scripture. More and more I see that all scripture points to christ and the Gospel of God’s glory is the overarching purpose of scripture. I think there is more fruitful dialogue going on about these issues that as been going on in a long time. Richard Barcellos in Defence fo the Decalogue, has summarized the way the New Covent differes from the Old in the following list: First, unlike the Old Covenant, the New Covenant cannot

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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