
Urgent Recommendation: "Jesus: The Only Way to God" Audio Book

Description: If the evangelical church at large was ever too confrontational in its evangelism, those days are gone. In our shrinking, pluralistic world, the belief that Jesus is the only way of salvation is increasingly called arrogant and even hateful. In the face of this criticism, many shrink back from affirming the global necessity of knowing and believing in Jesus. In Jesus, the Only Way to God, John Piper offers a timely plea for the evangelical church to consider what is at stake in surrendering the unique, universal place of Jesus in salvation.Free Audio Book (Till 3/31/2011) I am listening

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#9: What does it mean to “accept Jesus”?

Here is a great description of Real biblical salvation: #9: What does it mean to “accept Jesus”?: ” by Ray Ortland “You turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God.” 1 Thessalonians 1:9 You and I are not integrated, unified, whole persons. Our hearts are multi-divided. There is a board room in every heart. Big table. Leather chairs. Coffee. Bottled water. Whiteboard. A committee sits around the table. There is the social self, the private self, the work self, the sexual self, the recreational self, the religious self, and others. The committee is arguing and debating

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What Would the Modern Preacher Have Done? (Paul Washer)

Christianity is the only unique, powerful, revealed, true Gospel in the world. With many pastors today truncating this precious Gospel of Christ, it is encouraging to see it preached in a powerful and biblial way. I pray that this video will encourage you to procalim the gospel of Christ with more boldness, and more conviction that at when one preaches the cross of Jesus Christ it is sufficient to effect the salvation of sinners from their sins. see also

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Thin Gospel vs. Thick Gospel

Thick Gospel Vs. Thick Gospel Gowing A God-Centered Evangelism When one things about evangelism and reaching peole wioth the Gospel one must look to the Centrality of sovereign, saving grace because the quickening grace of God in salvation completely exalts God. Grace is God-honoring and humanity-humbling. We must see the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a “Thick Gospel” and not a “Thin Gospel. “ You may be asking, What in the world is a “Thick Gospel”? We all know that God initiates grace and that this grace frees us from the rejection of others in Evangelism. We know that evangelism

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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