
Bible Reading for 2022

It is a new year and it is time to think and commit to reading through the bible as a way of life.  I know it can be tough with everything in your life but I have searched for good plans for anyone to use with some help that include articles, books, and videos.  Commit to reading the Bible through this next year.  Remember that if you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up for that or try to catch up, just continue with the reading for the day you are on. If you try to catch up you will

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Fighter Verses: Foundational Bible Verses to memorize

Fighter Verses is a great website to help you learn and actually do Bible memorization:   You can see the different sets of verses that they recommend you memorize at  while I recommend to memorize passages or books of the Bible, this is good for starting if you would rather do it this way.  On their website they describe their Bible Memory Plan in this way: The Fighter Verse Scripture memory plan is built on and powered by the belief that Jesus and his gospel are “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16)—not only the power for the initial faith of

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Memorising Scripture

Memorising Scripture: “ by John Brand (encourage expository excellence)It’s nearly two months since I posted on memorising scripture as a discipline in itself but also as part of sermon preparation (here). It’s nearly two months since went live, encouraging the memorising of longer passages of Scripture, rather than just isolated texts, important and necessary as that is. I thought I’d flag it up again by way of mentioning that we currently have about 60 people from all around the world memorising passages of Scripture and in the last 7 weeks or so have learned Psalms 1 and 19, 2 John

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The Importance of divine Sovereignty for Our View of Scripture

This is a great article that has helped me understand the relationship between our doctrine of Scripture and God’s divine sovereignty by Dr. Stephen J. Wellum from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Importance of divine Sovereignty for Our View of Scripture by Dr. Stephen J. Wellum Stephen J. Wellum is Assistant Professor of Christian Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Wellum received his Ph.D. degree in theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and has also taught theology at the Associated Canadian Theological Schools and Northwest Baptist Theological College and Seminary in Canada. He has contributed to several publications and

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Quote: Inspiration of Scripture as it relates to Christian ministers

Here is a very interesting quote by Dr. Robert Reymond on the topic of the Inspiration of Scripture as it relates to Christian ministers: The candidate for Christian ministry who does not believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word should not enter the ministry. He does not belong there. If he is already in the ministry he should either quit because he should never have entered it or at the very least he should tell his congregation that he does not believe the Bible is God’s inspired Word so that those who have the sense not to submit to

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Why do Christians Disagree about the Bible?

“Good men have been disagreeing about that for centuries”; have you ever heard that? This clip demonstrates a key reason why this happens. When “good men disagree” it does not necessarily mean that the answer can’t be known. see also

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Context is Key in Bible Interpretation

An excerpt from the video series The Sovereignty of God. Demonstrates how 2 Peter 3:9, which is often used as a proof text against Calvinism, actually helps to prove Calvinism instead. see also

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The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura in a Nutshell By Dr. C. Matthew McMahon

“He who would consistently banish creeds must silence all preaching and reduce the teaching of the church to the recital of the exact words of Holy Scripture without note or comment.” – R. L. Dabney The purpose of this very brief excerpt is to concisely and simply set forth the doctrine of Sola Scriptura over the false, modern-day evangelical doctrine of SOLO Scriptura that always seems to rise up among religious sects through church history. Evangelicals today, for whatever reason, seem to be confusing Sola Scriptura with Solo Scriptura without understanding either precisely. Those evangelicals who say they hold to

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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