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The Priority of the Word of God in Worship

Here are several quotes that show how revelation of God’s word must come first in our worship.  Worship then becomes a correct passionate response to biblical truth: “True worship does not come from people whose feelings are like air ferns with no root in the solid ground of biblical doctrine. The only affections that honor God are those rooted in the rock of biblical truth. . . . True worship comes from people who are deeply emotional and who love deep and sound doctrine. Strong affections for God rooted in truth are the bone and marrow of biblical worship.”   John Piper, Desiring God , 90, 76

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$25,000 Worship Resource Giveaway from Proclaim

New church presentation software is coming out soon called Proclaim and it’s located here Unlike all other church presentation software systems, this one will allow pastors, worship leaders, and worship team members to all access and add to the same presentation before it’s presented, and then use the same application to run the presentation during the service.   To add to the excitement of the release of Proclaim, they are giving away $25,000 in worship resources in The Great Worship Resource Giveaway. They are going to have 100’s of winners of some of the best worship resources on the

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Beginning with Moses – BT Articles – Is the Church a House of Worship?

Beginning with Moses – BT Articles – Is the Church a House of Worship? An interview with Don Carson, by Tony Payne TP: What does the Bible say about what we call ‘worship’? DC: In large terms, I do agree with David Peterson (in his book Engaging With God) and others who have argued that the move from worship under the Old Covenant to the New, is the move from the temple-centred cultus of sacrifice and designated priesthood and high feasts and holy times, to a stance where worship under the New Covenant is bound up with the limitless extent

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New DVD and Study Guide on Corporate Worship

New DVD and Study Guide on Corporate Worship: “(Author: Tyler Kenney)The next installment in the John Piper Small Group Series is now available: Gravity and Gladness: The Pursuit of God in Corporate Worship.Here’s the description and table of contents: In this twelve-session DVD, John Piper looks to the Bible to help individuals and churches discover the true nature of worship. Perfect for small groups or Sunday school classes, these twelve lessons highlight the truth that if our God is both inestimably glorious and infinitely happy, our worship will have both gravity and gladness. Introduction to Gravity and Gladness Gravity and

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Idol Factory

All of our hearts are idol factories . Richard Gaffin has said “Because we are, each of us, the image of God, we will worship, in fact we must worship, someone or something, either our original, as we should, or, with the illusion that we are the original or our own ultimate point of reference, ourselves. If the latter, we will give ourselves over, with the full, still efficient resources of our imaging capacities, to some figment, some distorted image, focused on ourselves or on some aspect of the world, ultimately seen as an extension of ourselves. What Calvin observed

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God-Centered Evangelism

What is your #1 aim? Is it to save souls? To do good works for fellow man? Or is your ultimate aim in everything to glorify God? see also

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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