Christ and the Adulterous Woman (John 8:1-11)

John 8:1-11


If you believe in plenary verbal inspiration you must deal the textual criticism of this passage.
Is this or is this not part of Scripture?

Arguments Against:

  • Present mostly in Medevil manuscript and not in early manuscripts?
  • It is placed in different positions in these manuscripts: after John 7:35, or after 7:44, or aftger 7:52, or after 21:25, or after Luke 21:38
  • The language is more characteristic of Luke.
  • The fact that he went to Mount of Olives is similar to the passion week recored in the Luke.
  • The Phrase Scripe and Pharisees is foreign to the book of John excet here.

Arguments for:

  • This passage is known as an authentic Story
  • Reading effect on the passage is beneficial
  • This passage answers question that one would ask of 8:12-13: (i.e. Like When did this take place? Who is jesus speaking to?)
  • This passage also answers a question of how to judge with right judgment (7:24).
  • The inclusion of this passage is consistent with John’s literary design so far: Each discourse of Christ is preceeded by a ministry event.

Intro Wrap up: If one is to preach this passage one must make sure your theme is not just propritary to this passage but is supported in other places in Scripture.

Fallen Condition Focus: Guilt must be overcome

Theme: Forgiveness overcomes guilt

6 Scenes in this naritave

  • Atmosphere (1-2)
  • Accusation (3-6a) (see also Deut. 22:22-23, Lev. 20:10)
  • Action (6b) (See also Jer. 17:13)
  • Answer (7-8)
  • Affect (9)
  • Acceptance (10-11)

What are the attitudes of Christ in dealing with our guilt?

  • Understanding – We should not treat men or women as things to be used. (See John 5:1ff)
  • Compassion – We should show mercy to those being used. (see John 6:1ff)
  • Forgivness – Doesn’t nulify Capitol punishment here. (See John 4)
  • Challange – This is not cheap grace. (see John 8:11)
see also
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