If you believe in plenary verbal inspiration you must deal the textual criticism of this passage.
Is this or is this not part of Scripture?
Arguments Against:
Present mostly in Medevil manuscript and not in early manuscripts?
It is placed in different positions in these manuscripts: after John 7:35, or after 7:44, or aftger 7:52, or after 21:25, or after Luke 21:38
The language is more characteristic of Luke.
The fact that he went to Mount of Olives is similar to the passion week recored in the Luke.
The Phrase Scripe and Pharisees is foreign to the book of John excet here.
Arguments for:
This passage is known as an authentic Story
Reading effect on the passage is beneficial
This passage answers question that one would ask of 8:12-13: (i.e. Like When did this take place? Who is jesus speaking to?)
This passage also answers a question of how to judge with right judgment (7:24).
The inclusion of this passage is consistent with John’s literary design so far: Each discourse of Christ is preceeded by a ministry event.
Intro Wrap up: If one is to preach this passage one must make sure your theme is not just propritary to this passage but is supported in other places in Scripture.
Fallen Condition Focus: Guilt must be overcome
Theme: Forgiveness overcomes guilt
6 Scenes in this naritave
Atmosphere (1-2)
Accusation (3-6a) (see also Deut. 22:22-23, Lev. 20:10)
Action (6b) (See also Jer. 17:13)
Answer (7-8)
Affect (9)
Acceptance (10-11)
What are the attitudes of Christ in dealing with our guilt?
Understanding – We should not treat men or women as things to be used. (See John 5:1ff)
Compassion – We should show mercy to those being used. (see John 6:1ff)
Forgivness – Doesn’t nulify Capitol punishment here. (See John 4)
Challange – This is not cheap grace. (see John 8:11)
see also www.disciplemaking.net