Christianity Explored – Interview with Rico Tice

I would encourge everyone to listen to this conversation with the Rico Tice, pastor and founder of Christianity Explored.

Rico Tice is Associate Minister of Evangelism at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. He is also Founder of Christianity Explored, the evangelistic introductory course to Christianity. This week on the Connected Kingdom podcast, Rico talks about the impact of John Stott upon his life and ministry, how his previous singleness made Christianity Explored possible, and how he keeps his own evangelistic fervor alive. US listeners can find Christianity Explored resources here.
Christianity Explored is in 20 languages and in 60 countries.  
He explains the truth that “how people come to faith is now they stay” is important and how the small group method of evangelism is beneficial to the church today.  He talks about the necessity of theology and the focus on the Gospel in ministry.  The difference between Alpha and CE is that Alpha is a helicopter ride around the christian faith where CE is a walk through the Gospel of Mark.  CE take more time explaining grace and sin, judgement wrath, and hell.  

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