Complementarian Round Up

Complementarian Round Up: by Tim Etherington.

Here are some good links for those of you struggling with the issue of Complementarian doctrines of the biblical role of manhood and womanhood. I believe that these links will be valuable to you. Let me know what you think.
Tim relates the following:
This has already made its rounds in the blogs but I thought I’d point it out here too. There was recently a large church planting gathering in Florida. Mark Driscoll decided not to fly from one side the continent the other in order to deliver a 20 minute talk, so he sent a video. It was a good message and the Acts 29 folks brought a few cases worth of DVDs to hand out for free. After the video was played at the conference, the hosts decided not to hand it out. Bill Hybels had a problem with the complementarianism of it. Acts 29 got to haul back the cases of DVDs.
Russel Moore of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently had an article (PDF) published in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society on the complementarian/egalitarian debate. I kept that volume of JETS off the shelf so I could reread that piece. He says some interesting things but there is something in it that has me a bit worried. I can’t tell what, I need to revisit the article. It is, nonetheless, an interesting read.
Speaking of Moore, he was recently part of a panel discussion at 9 Marks on the subject of complentarianism. It is Mark Dever, CJ Mahaney, Moore and Randy Stinson. It is available as a free MP3 download and I recommend getting it and listening. Moore has some provocative statements such as “many people are involved in same sex marriages and they don’t even know it” and “complementarianism, I prefer patriarchy.” They also mention that IVP refuses to publish complementarian materials. However, Crossway Books has committed to publish compementarian stuff.
Finally, Wayne Grudem has published a new book on complementarianism. The title sounds a bit alarmist; “Evangelical Feminism: A New Path To Liberalism?” But having read and listened to Grudem a lot, I’m pretty sure it isn’t just paranoid.

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