Dr. Kennedy Retires as Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

Here is the news article detailing the retirement of Dr. D. James Kennedy as Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. His Evangelism Explosion Ministry is the best Evangelical Disciplemaking and multiplying ministry that there is!

Dr. Kennedy Retires
as Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Brian Fisher – Executive Vice President of Coral Ridge Ministries

Dr. D. James Kennedy, the Founder and Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, retired on August 26th at age 76. Dr. Kennedy preached his last sermon from the pulpit of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church on Christmas Eve 2006. He suffered a cardiac arrest four days later on December 28, and has been unable to return to the pulpit. A Tribute Worship Service honoring the extensive ministry of Dr. Kennedy will be held in the sanctuary of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church at 11:00 a.m., Sunday, September 23, 2007.

Dr. Kennedy began his pastorate at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church on June 21, 1959, and had from the outset a vision for global impact for Christ. In 1960 he read the words of Jeremiah 33:3 to the handful of people who comprised his then-fledgling congregation, “Call unto Me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” He then told his small flock, “You know what? I believe we can change the world!”

That surprised many in his audience, but today Dr. Kennedy’s broadcast goes out from Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church into more than 200 nations via radio or television. And Evangelism Explosion, through which nearly five million people made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, became the first Christian ministry to be planted in every nation on earth in 1996.

Dr. Kennedy’s belief that God will continue to do “great and mighty things” through the obedient efforts of His people never faltered. In his closing prayer at a festive 75th birthday celebration on his behalf in 2005, he expressed the confidence that the best is yet to be. “We believe,” he prayed to the Lord, “You are yet going to change the world in a far greater fashion.”

Dr. James C. Dobson, Founder and Chairman of Focus on the Family, called Dr. Kennedy one of the Church’s “truly significant figures.” In a statement he said: “For decades now, you have stood strong in defense of faith, family, and most importantly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Believers around the world are indebted to you for your vision and leadership, Dr. Kennedy.”

Across the street here at Coral Ridge Ministries, we are amazed at how, by God’s grace, He is opening new doors for the growth of this ministry. This expansion is occurring “by ways yet undreamed of” to use Dr. Kennedy’s own words spoken in 1974.

You and I have received great joy and edification from receiving the Word of God through Dr. Kennedy’s preaching over the last 40 years. We are delighted and encouraged to be able to continue the Kingdom’s work for you, your children, and your grandchildren.

Many of you are aware that, prior to his absence, Dr. Kennedy and our Board of Directors were intimately involved in the building and approval of an aggressive Five Year Plan for this ministry. Dr. Kennedy’s vision for CRM has always been to reach as many people as possible for the Gospel through media, and our long range plan embodies that vision. Our beloved pastor and teacher has laid an incredible foundation for us to carry on his work of taking the Gospel to all nations and peoples.

As I have shared with you periodically over the past several months, Coral Ridge Ministries has already initiated this five-year strategic plan to increase our outreach from 3 million to 30 million people by 2012 via television, radio, print, and the Internet using the teachings and inspirations of Dr. Kennedy.

Please continue to pray for our Dr. Kennedy, his family, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, and this ministry. And again, in Dr. Kennedy’s immortal words, “May God richly bless you!”

Read more about Dr. Kennedy here

see also www.disciplemaking.net
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