Reverse order:
1-12 Sign then unpacking discourse
13-21: Unpacking significance of JeSus departure then Jesus glorification and consequent coming of the Holy spirit
How does John’s chronology of the passion narrative relate to the Chronoly of the Synoptic Gospels?
SG indicate that Jesus and his disciples celebrated the Passover together (Mk. 14:2; Lk. 22:15), apparently during the early hours of 15 Nisan (beginning of each day at sundown – 6pm Thursday)
2 Calendar theory (little evidence)
Jesus Ate a Passover meal with his disciples (synoptics), but it was at a time earlier in the week than the officialpassover, which meant he could still be crucified during the slaughter of the Passover lambs according to the schedule of the lunar calendar (John).
Why does John omit explicit mention of the institution of the LS?
Anti-sacramental or ordinance?
Already dealt with in John 6
2 Directions of footwashing
Symbolic of spiritual cleansing (cf. 8-10)
Standard of humble service (12-17)
Call to all of Jesus’ disciples to wash one anotehr’s feet
2 Different interpretations
Sacramental Interpretation (vv. 3, 4-5, 6-10, 21-30)
Moralistic Interpretation (vv. 1-2, 4-5,12-20).
2 Lines of contemporary research
Entirely the work of John the Evangelist – 2 themes are characteristic of John.
Appeal to structural and literary categories to demonstrate the unity of John 13
In the beginning of John he sites two things in connection with the outcome of Christ’s mission and ministry.
The nation that received him not demonstrated in chapters 5-12
Those who did receive him – the children of God in Ch. 13-17 we see Christ with his own telling them their peculiar portion and privileges.
Christ ministry to his own did not end when he went to the Father, because in Heaven He is still occupied with the interest of his people.
Paschal Discourse – position before the Father and their new position in the world
Ch. 13 onwards Jesus makes know his own most gracious work for maintaining believers in fellowship with hismslef
Another connection
Ch. 12- feet of the Lord
Ch. 13 feet of the disciples
water is used not blood
Blood – Godward
Water – saintward to remove the impurity in practice
The one affects our standing the other our state – Position and condition
Theme: We must follow Jesus in serving others and not ourselves
Question: How do we prepare ourselves for what lies ahead?
T/S There are 4 ways
1. You Must Head His Last Word And Not Demand Your Rights – vv. 1-4
2. We Must Understand That Christ’s Death Cleanses Us Completely – vv. 5-7
3. You Still Need To Appropriate God’s Mercy Everyday That Was Paid For At The Cross – vv. 8-10
4. We Are Warned That Corruption Can Be Found In the Greatest Professor – V. 11
Can anyone live a single day without sin? Who is there that does not need to pray daily.for forgiveness of our trespasses?
Let us compare our walk with Christs, and I shall see that I come infinitely short of him,
How much unfaithfulness do we have to deplore
How real, then, how deep then is our daily need of putting our feet in the hands of Christ for cleansing, that everything which hinders communion with Him may be removed, and that he can say of us “You are clean”!
Christ refers to Judas
Judas conscience was sweared as with a read hot iron, and heis heart was harder than the mjilll-stone
Christ mad mo impression upon him.
In less than one hour he went forth to sell his Master.
Judas did not lose spiritual life, but manifests that he never had it.
He is a picture of a dog returning to its vomit, not a sheep of Christ becoming unclean.