Introduction To Theology #4 – Postmodern Epistemology

Session Overview

Why is truth devalued in our culture today? What is Postmodernism? We live in a different world than we did just 20 years ago. People think differently today about the reality and nature of truth. Your truth is your truth, my truth is my truth-they are both right is a comon belief that we encounter in our Postmodern culture. Why are people thinking in such a manner? By the end of this session, the student should have a better understanding of the history of man’s search for truth, learning that the Postmodern view of truth (that truth is relative) comes as a response and reaction to an overly optimistic view of man that came out of the enlightenment. We will begin to answer the question, How should the Christian respond to a Postmodernism culture?

Session Reading (for self-study students)

What Is Postmodernism? By Paul Copan

Theopedia: Postmodernism

The Postmodern Challenge

R.C. Sproul Jr.: Postmodernism and Christianity

The message will examine the ways in which postmodernism has influenced the church and the ways in which Christians are responding.

The Truth vs. Post Modernism

Albert Mohler: Postmodernism and Society

This message will explain the pervasive influence of postmodern thinking on every aspect of contemporary culture: politics, business, education, entertainment, etc.

R.C. Sproul: How to Study the Bible

Have you ever a read passage in the Bible and discovered something you never noticed before? How many interpretations can one Scripture passage have? Are all interpretations valid? While the basic message of Scripture is clear, those who do not understand and apply the basic principles of biblical interpretation can easily misinterpret it. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Sr. will introduce some of the more important tools and concepts that are necessary in order to properly study and understand the Bible.

Postmodern: A Cautionary Tale

Postmodern Norway hosts a generation who are spiritual but few are seekers of the gospel

The Emerging Church and Postmodernism

Greg Koukl: The Intolerance of Tolerance




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