John 9:8-23 – Tell the Truth and Do what is Right


Fallen Concition Focus: We tend to prusue our self interest even if we are untruthful or immoral.

Theme: In affliction and Trials it is in your best interest to tell the truth and do what is right.
Transition: Why tell the truth and do what is right in your trials:
1. You will have peace knowing God is glorified (9:8-9)
  • Even if there are skeptics
  • they will see real change
  • as you grow there will be feircer testing

2. You will be less tempted to emblish your testimony (9:10-12)

  • You don’t have to have a great story
  • Act on the light you have
  • First duty: a knowledge Him before men…
  • Luke 12:8

3. You don’t have to worry when people take your testimony to the religious state department (not the judicial system) (9:13-15).

  • Healing forbidden
  • Kneeding forbidden
  • Anointing forbidden

4. You dont need to worry if conflict occurs because you testify (9:16-17).

  • 2 Groups – one with a sabbath focus (logical but wrong), and one with a miracle focus (bad argument but right conclusion)
  • Deut. 13:1-5 Moses
  • Mt. 7:21-23
  • 2 Thess. 2:9

5. You will not have to worry about what you previously said (9:19-21).

  • The more you testify the more your eyes will be open to testify

6. You can leave the results in God’s hands (9:22-23).

  • Even when people see you testimony as anachronistic
  • Synagogue was ot have applied the test of Christian heracy – Old Fashion out of date
  • Council of Jamnia
  • only used 3 times
  • Post dates Christ
  • 12th Benediction rewritten by Samuel the small after 70 AD
  • 18th? Benediction recited 3 times a day (where no christian could utter)
  • ban – heren
  • No reconstruction for anachronistism – test of Discipleship – Confession (Matthew 10:32-33,
  • Matthew 5:11-12 = Luke 6:22-23
  • Post resurrection confessions based on preresurrection confessions


1. Parents – know the truth but do not step over the line without corageous witness

2. healed man – who comes to a growing understanding who Jesus is and confesses in face of opposition

see also
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