John Piper and Jason Meyer – First Chat about Succession

John Piper and Jason Meyer – First Chat about Succession:
Collin Hansen at the Gospel Coalition writes:

In this interview with Justin Taylor, Meyer and Piper talk together in public about the Bethlehem succession for the first time, just days after more than 99 percent of the church supported Meyer’s candidacy. Piper and Meyer explain why they avoided public talk about their impressions from the Lord about the transition and how they sought strong affirmation from leaders and members without wielding a strong arm over the decision. Meyer also explains how he changed his mind about leading Bethlehem when God promised more of himself in the process. Finally, Piper and Meyer close with counsel for leaders in transition from God’s Word and their experience.

You can watch the video below:

The interview was recorded on May 22, 2012, on the campus of Southern Seminary.

see also
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