Christianity Explored
CE It is a 10 week small group course that that introduces people to Jesus Christ. Week by week, as course participants explore Mark’s Gospel, they address three questions that cut to the heart of Christianity: Who is Jesus? Why did he come? What does it mean to follow him? This is very much like Evangelism Explosion but for using an evangelistic Small group an the means of proclaiming the Gospel. Again, It explores who Jesus was, what his aims were, and what it means to follow him. By focusing on Mark’s Gospel, the course allows people to explore God’s Word for themselves and is clear about the seriousness of sin, so that people can grasp the wonder of God’s grace. You can learn more about the course at:
You can learn more about the course at: http://www. about-course/
Christianity Explored aims to provide tools and training for local churches to:
- Evangelize in group settings and one-to-one
- Grow evangelists
- Strengthen the local church
The gospel focus of Christianity Explored can be seen in the video entitled Mark’s Gospel in 3 words
Here are some episodes from Each of the 10 Sessions at Amazon: Sessions-1/dp/B002Q58O6E/ref= pd_vodsm_B002Q58O6E
Back in the 1990s I was going to use the Alpha Course (very very popular in America and especially in Texas at that time) to involve everyone in my church in Evangelism and outreach, until I discovered the bad doctrines on the Holy Spirit and healing. Alpha demanded that you keep the course as is without changing the doctrinal content (such as the necessity of Speaking and tongues). Christianity Explored grew up in evengelical circles in england as a response to this. You can read a review about the relationship and content of these courses at the following link:
You can order Materials at christianity-explored. Note: One can also do “Discipleship Explored” as well as a follow-up to CE.”
Book: Christianity Explored (Not a course book)
Videos related to Christianity Explored:
The Identity, Mission and Call of Jesus (Polish Christianity Explored Started)
see also