Memorial Day: The Marks of a Spiritual Leader

On this Memorial day, let us look at one of the hardest part of leadership for most: “leading others without pleasing them.” As we remember men who have given their lives for our freedoms, let us not forget that the path of freedom was paved by men who at their time may have been unpopular with many. Failing to leading others is a spiritual problem when we are seeking to please people. Our country would not be where it is today, if all we had were people pleasers (or should I say media pleasers) at the helm.

I have come to a place in my ministry where I realize that to be a pastor you must develop a thick skin (because we are at war). Let me say again – one thing is for sure: if you begin to lead others you will be criticized. No one will be a significant spiritual leader if his aim is to please others and seek their approval. Paul said in Galatians 1:10, “Am I seeking the favor of men or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men I should not be a servant of Christ.” You can not lead people if you don’t want to be criticized. Expect it, and lead even though people will not follow. The following is a great article on this very issue.

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