Memorizing (Part 2)

In part 1, I made the case that it is necessary to memorize and showed the benefits of it. Here is the aplication of the theory in a plan that I try to follow in memorizing scripture.

The following is a suggested way to memorize passages and books of the Bible.


1. READ the verse allowed 3 times.
2. SAY the verse out loud once with out looking at the scriptures. Do not worry if you do not have it perfect. You perfect your verses in your reviewing process.
3. WRITE the verse on paper or card once. Make sure you write it exactly.
4. READ the verse you wrote 3 times.
5. SAY it from memory. Remember do not worry if it is perfect. Just say it the best you can and go on and memorize the next verse. The perfection of your memorization will come in your review.
6. REPEAT steps 1-5 for the next verse. If done memorizing for the day go to step 7.
7. SAY all of the verses you have learned that day from memory the best you can 3 times. Again do not get hung up on perfection here.

8. Review and Say the past 5 days verses from memory; which I call my “Current Window” of verses. If just starting out just review all the verses you have memorized so far.
9. The net effect of this memorizing system is to have (once you have gone past 5 days) 10 current verses in this case (your “Current Window” of verses) that you are reviewing each day.
10. Memorize Monday – Friday and take the weekends off.
11. During the weekends you can review all of the book or passage you are memorizing. Not just the 10 current verses.
12. You can increase the number of verses you are memorizing as it becomes easier. You can become better and better at memorizing where 2 verses will be too easy.
13. Remember that a verse is not memorized until you can’t forget it!! (ie. Just try to forget your name!)

14. Here are a few practical tips to remember:
Set Goals. He who aims at nothing invariably hits it.
Make goals attainable. If your goals are unrealistic, you will undoubtedly become discouraged – regardless if they are too low or to high.
Memorize with a family member or friend.
Use normally unproductive time to review what you have memorized, such as while waiting in lines, or falling asleep.

see also
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