More info on Professor Horner’s Bible Reading System

Grant Horner is a professor at the Master’s College in Southern Califonia. Click HERE to read an interview with him to learn a little bit about the man behind the plan. 
I’ve seen connections in the Bible I haven’t seen before! That would happen anytime I’m reading the Bible, but the variety and amount of chapters read make these connections all the more likely. My only draw back three weeks into this reading is that I didn’t write the connections down and will probably not read that same combination of chapters again. Another blessing is that when I miss a day, I just pick up without feeling that I have to read 20 chapters the next day. Sometimes I just read the Old Testament or New Testament and don’t find time to get the other readings in for the day. The next day I just do the 10 readings and feel no need to keep all 10 lists moving exactly together. That is extremely freeing!  Posted on February 24, 2009 by pjtibayan 
If you use the link and change the Bible Link Prefix to: and clear the Bible Link Suffix: you will beable to use the esvstudybible instead of the bible gateway.  You can also go to for a simple page to read it in the ESV Study Bible.  
see also

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