The twenty-four documents of the International Church Council Project
1. Biblical Inerrancy: Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
2. Biblical Hermeneutics: Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics
3. The Forty-Two Articles Of The Essentials of a Christian WorldView
5. The Omniscience of God and Human Freedom
7. The Judicial and Substitutionary Nature of Salvation
8. The Trinity
9. The Eternal Fate of Unbelievers
11. The Unity of the Body of Christ
13. Culture, Contextualization and Missions
16. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
17. Biblical Distinctives Between Males and Females
18. Homosexuality
19. Biblical Approach to Counseling
21. The Education of Christian Children
22. The Sanctity of Human Life
23. God’s Law for All Societies
There is brief commentary on each of the above documents here.