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10Rs to Memorize Scripture
MEMORIZATION METHOD OUTLINE Memorize 2 verses of a passage or book of the Bible a weekday 5 minutes in the Morning and 5 minutes in the Evening (if necessary) MORNING – 5 MINUTES 1. Read the verse allowed 3 times. 2. Resaythe verse out loud once with out looking at the scriptures (1x). Do not worry if you do not have it perfect. You perfect your verses in your reviewing process. 3. write the verse on paper or card once. Make sure you write it exactly. 4. Reread the verse you wrote 3 times. 5. Recite it from memory (1x).
Width and Depth of a Gospel-Driven Church
A gospel-driven church cares about width and depth. Churches that grow deep without growing wide are probably not as deep in Jesus as they think because Jesus came to seek and save the lost. In the same way, churches that grow wide without growing deep are probably not as wide as they think because heaven counts disciples, not decisions. A church’s ultimate impact is not only measured by the disciples it makes but in making disciples who make disciples.
2019 Thinking about Resolutions
Here are some articles I found in working through my resolutions for this year. Make Habits, Not Resolutions 5 Things Failed New Year’s Resolutions Teach Us 4 Mistakes That Will Sabotage Your New Year’s Resolutions The Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards Resolutions Modernized By Dennis Griffith
2019 Bible Reading Stuff Around the Web
2019 Bible Rading Plans Bible Reading Plans for 2019 from Ligonier MinistriesBible Plan website of plansBible Study Tools Bible Readin5 Day a Week Bible Reading PlanBlog about the 5 day a week Bible Reading PlanNavigators Bible Reading PlansFinding the Right Bible Reading Plan for youDesiring God Reading PlansThe KINGDOM Bible Reading Plan Num. M’Cheyne Bible Reading PlanOne Year Classic Bible Reading Plan – OT/NT each dayHow to read the Whole Bible – Gospel Coalition5 Great Bible Study Plans to Try TodayOne Year Bible reading Plans from Bethlehem Baptist ChurchReading The Bible Fast And Slow In 201910 Suggestions For Your Personal
Good Articles on Bible Memory
Briefing Articles from Matthais Media Why you shouldn’t memorize Bible verses A three-course banquet of Bible memorization A smorgasbord of Bible memorization methods (and one way to learn whole books) The delightful results of memorizing the Bible Scripture-Memory-Booklet-.pdfWhy and How to Memorize10 Rs Scripture Memory Method Outline
Making Mentoring Work
Mentoring programs have long been the practice of many businesses. They provide opportunities for younger, less experienced employees to benefit from the experiences of older ones. While mentoring has proven to be an effective strategy for longevity and success in business, the church would benefit from its application and implementation in the early years of a new believer’s life and spiritual formation. Spiritual mentoring is one person investing in and coming alongside another as a companion on the journey of faith. Mentors help answer questions such as “Who is God?”, “Who am I in Christ?”, and “What is God’s will
The Problem with Following Your Heart
When I was pricked in heart… I was like a beast toward you. Psalm 73:21-22 One of the great gifts God has given to men and women is the gift of reason, logic, reflection, and analysis. But this gift was not given to the animals. Animals act on impulse. Asaph says, “That’s what I was doing! When my heart was grieved, I was being pushed around by the impulses of bitterness, unbelief and despair! No wonder my feet almost slipped!” We’re living in a culture where people love the idea of acting on impulse: “If it feels good, do it!”
Three Marks of a Godly Person (part 1)
The Bible tell us that King David was a man after God’s own heart. So what set him apart as such? David was a regenerated man, a man with a new heart, a man with a different spirit than other men of the world. We read of his godliness throughout the Old Testament books of first and second Samuel, as well as in the Psalms. I want you to notice three truths that made David such an outstanding servant of the Lord, what distinguished him from all the rest. Let’s measure ourselves against these and remember that these are the
Book Review: The Intolerance of Tolerance – Tim Challies
Several times in the past decade D.A. Carson has been asked to give a public lecture at one university or another. Three times he has taken the opportunity to speak on the subject of tolerance, or intolerance, as the case may be. Those lectures proved the foundation of what would become his cleverly-titled new book, The Intolerance of Tolerance. Here’s the thing: In a society obsessed with tolerance, we are actually not tolerant at all. It’s all a big lie, a big fiction, and we’re all playing along. In order to claim tolerance we’ve had to rewrite the definition of the term and
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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more