- I am convicted that Today’s (Truncated) Gospel minimizes the application of the gospel theology of salvation to justification (or just having our sins forgiven and/or being declared righteous) instead of applying a full, thick, broad, and deep gospel affecting all of life (including the creation mandate, conversion, regeneration, atonement, sanctification, preservation, grace, evangelism, church life, glorification, suffering, family, imputed righteousness, original sin, disciplemaking, obedience, holiness, joy, love, relationship between men and women, etc.).
- I am convicted that Today’s (Truncated) Gospel also excludes the explanation of the character of God as the Gospel’s starting point. While it is good for people to want eternal life and not to go to hell, the goal of the gospel is not to sell life enhancements but to bring people to God himself – to know God himself.
- I am convicted that Today’s (Truncated) Gospel results in false conversions, unregenerate church membership, and an anemic passion for treasuring the supremacy of Christ and the glory of God in many people who call themselves “Christian.”
I am convicted that Today’s (Truncated) Gospel cannot be faithful the the Great Commission’s essential Biblical command to disciple, mentor, train, teach (to obey), reproduce and multiply disciples who to apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all of life in order to display the glory and supremacy of God in reaching all peoples with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As one affirmation of faith sums up the proper view of Gospel theology that Dr. Kennedy was committed to by stating:

I am thankful to God for raising up Dr. D. James Kennedy to be a pastor/theologian in that he helped me to rediscover that preaching the gospel (real evangelism) is not just about getting people “saved,” but entails all of the Christian life, which is what the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is all about.
see also www.disciplemaking.net