What Is New Covenant Theology? | NCJ

Here is a good overview of

What Is New Covenant Theology? | NCJ

CT = Covenant Theology
NCT = New Covenant Theology
DT = Dispensational Theology

some of the salient points include:

  • New Covenant Theology is not new Covenant Theology.
  • New Covenant Theology is basically a biblical-theological understanding of the purpose of Scripture, an explanation of its primary theme, a way of describing how the Bible itself puts together its various parts.
  • New Covenant Theology does not question the integrity or motives of those who hold to CT and DT.
  • Covenant Theology assumes two covenants between God and man: The Covenant of Works and The Covenant of Grace
  • Covenant Theology believes that from Genesis 3 through the end of Revelation, the Bible’s primary message is the outworking of the Covenant of Grace.
  • Dispensationalism believes that God has planned a succession of different dispensations throughout history, both past, present, and future
  • Dispensationalism  claims it is of major importance to believe that the Jewish dispensation has been suspended since the death of Christ, but will be resumed at the end of the church age. This is the wind that fills the “pre-tribulational rapture” sails.
  • New Covenant Theology agrees with CT that the concept of covenant is significant in the Bible, and it agrees that the story of the Scripture progresses in distinct dispensations. But, they believe that Christ is the central motif. 
  • By reading the Bible through a Covenant-of-Grace-centered lens, CT is compelled to find radical continuity from one covenant to the next, even where the Bible itself teaches radical discontinuity.
  • By reading the Bible through a dispensation-centered lens, DT is compelled to find radical dis-continuity from one covenant to the next, even where the Bible itself teaches radical continuity.
  • By reading the Bible through a Christ-centered lens, NCT is free to let the Bible express where there is radical continuity and where there is radical discontinuity.


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