It is easy to be two-faced in our socieity today. It is easy to forget (on purpose) promises that are made because our circumstances change and it is to our advantage to forget promices when we think there are no bad consequences. This is the position David was in, but David made sure that he fulfilled his coveant with Jonathan by showing kindness to Mephibosheth. Normally kings and leaders would eleminate any leaders or family of a former rival kingdom, and thus Mephibosheth had something to fear in coming into King David’s presence. But David in the all important verse 7 shows a coveant kingdness that not only protects Mephibosheth’s life, but provides for him in land and food, and gives a great position (eating at the kings table). Today we learn, from David’s covenant with Jonathan, that God’s covenant with us provides several benefits including security in living, abundance in living, and dependence in living. We are totally dependent on the covenant kindness of God in providing our security in salvation from sin. Since all of mankind are sinners we are actually an enemy of God and lame in our spiritual ability to save ourselves (just as Mephibosheth was physically). God saves those like Mephibosheth that do not rely on their own reasources but trust in God’s covenant with us. The following is my sermon I preached on 2 Samuel 9:
2 Samuel 9 – Covenant Kindness
see also