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Bible Reading
Glenn Leatherman

2024 Bible Reading Plans and Bible Intake Thoughts

Bible Reading Tip(s) I would skip any day’s reading if you have not read it after the day it is scheduled. Read only the Day’s verses even if that means you have to skip the Chapters and verses from the days you didn’t read. You do not have to be perfect, which would make bible reading a drudgery and not a joy. I use the following Bible Reading Plan: I also invite you to the Bible Reading Challenge this year @: You can sign up for my Theological Program group at @ 2024 Bible Reading Plans I review

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Glenn Leatherman

Bible Reading and Bible Intake for 2023

I have used the Navigator’s hand illustration to help me remember and practice Bible intake for years.  The following links are categorized according to these categories of Bible Intake.  Please use these links to help you prepare for your Bible reading and intake for 2023. Bible Reading/Intake Plans Ligonier Bible Reading Plans (All of Them) My Favorites Tabletalk Bible Reading Plan – Two readings each day, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. You can also follow the Tabletalk reading plan through the Ligonier app.  Duration: One year | Download: PDF Similar Plan (Self-Generated) to Tabletalk Bible Reading plan – 2 readings a day –

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Summary of the Extended Memorization of Scripture by Andy Davis

  DAILY PROCEDURE Action Step When? What Verse(s) How many times? Without Looking? How Perfect? Repeat if I mess Up? 1.   Rehearse Mornings (M-F or M-S) Yesterday’s verse(s) first 10X Including Verse #: “One-One” Cover page & look at your Bible when you need to Best that you can No 2.   Recite Mornings (M-F or M-S) Old Verses all together 1X Including Verse #: “One-One” Cover page & look at your Bible when you need to Best that you can No 3.   Read Mornings (M-F or M-S) New Verse(s) (Today’s) 10X Including Verse #: “One-One” Read looking at each Word

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Examples of Scripture Memory Covenants You Cann Use

Different covenants you can use to Memorize Colossians “Lord having sought you in prayer, I believe you have led me to memorize Colossians. I now dedicate myself to beginning this task with your help and for your glory by adding 1 new verse/weekday (5 days a week). I commit myself to memorize this book starting on October 24, 2022, and finishing by June 14, 2023. (133 Days +100 Days) “Lord having sought you in prayer, I believe you have led me to memorize Colossians. I now dedicate myself to beginning this task with your help and for your glory by

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Bible Reading for 2022

It is a new year and it is time to think and commit to reading through the bible as a way of life.  I know it can be tough with everything in your life but I have searched for good plans for anyone to use with some help that include articles, books, and videos.  Commit to reading the Bible through this next year.  Remember that if you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up for that or try to catch up, just continue with the reading for the day you are on. If you try to catch up you will

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“Christolized” Christ-Centered Bible Memory

Christolized Bible MemoryBy Dr. Dan Hayden Bible memory is not an end in itself.  The purpose of Scripture is to lead us into an intimate communion with Jesus Christ as our blessed Savior and wonderful Lord (John 5:29, 40).  Therefore, the highest motivation for committing verses to memory is to enhance that purpose.  When we can meditate upon the Word of the Lord at anytime, day or night, because we have stored it away in the recesses of our minds, then our talk with him is strengthened and our lives become more fruitful (Ps. 1:1-3).  What matters is not how

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Bible Memory Plan Chart – 2 verses a day

Bible Memory Plan Chart – 2 or more verses a day by Glenn Leatherman The following is a suggested way to memorize verses, passages and books of the Bible. Time Required (2 verses a day): 5 minutes in the Morning and 5 minutes in the Evening Each day you start by picking a verse randomly or by selecting the next verse in the passage or book you are memorizing. Then you follow the Action steps and you will find you too can memorize The net effect of this memorizing system is to have (once you have gone past 5 days)

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Bible Consumption Plans for 2021

First, this is the Bible Reading plan for 2021 for First Baptist Church of Liberty, Texas. 5 day a week Bible Reading Program PDF 2021 5 Day Bible a week Bible Reading Below are many more reading plans and advice to help you read through the Bible in 2021

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Change your Ministry DNA to focus on Vine Ministries in Your Church

 I wanted to put the following videos from the Re:Growth Conference so you can understand the process of change that all churches and church plants need to constantly be moving toward. Re:Growth is more than a training course: it’s a theologically driven approach to leading culture change. Rather than a superficial fix or a short course, Re:Growth is a robust process that aims for lasting and true change. The ultimate aim of Re:Growth is to change the ministry DNA of the whole church, by doing a deep work in a few change makers, a work which will multiply as they, and you, make disciples. Re:Growth has been developed on biblical

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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