Please notice that I have indicated a must read article in each of the sections. The other articles (mind candy) are to help you expand your mental real estate further in that area.
You Cannot Serve Both God and Theology
Establishing a Doctrinal Taxonomy: A Hierarchy of Doctrinal Commitments
Representing Christ to a Postmodern World (Must Read)
Charismata and the Authority of Personal Experience
Orthodoxy, Theological Maturity, and the Development of Doctrine: From Theological DNA to Maturity
Building Your Theology Course
Gospel in 6 Minutes (Video)
Orthodoxy Test (Please take)
Catoriztation of the Levels of Belief (Examples)
Video from Albert Mohler explaning Theologyical Triage
A Call for Theological Triage and Christian Maturity (Article) (Must Read)
Let’s Get Our Theological Priorities Straight
Levels of belief in the Pauline Epistles
Levels of Belief in the Pauline Epistles – A Paradigm for Evangelical Unity Alan K. Scholes and Stephen M. Clinton (Must read as it is the fuller paper of the above outline)
Distinguishing Between Essentials and Non-Essentials
Would the Real Emerger Please Stand Up (Older article but gives a good illustration of a possible belief spectrum)
The Different Disciplines of Biblical Theology & Systematic Theology (only read till you understand)
What is the Discipline of Biblical Theology? (Must Read)
What is the difference between Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology?
Biblical versus Systematic Theology?
The Relationship between Systematic Theology and Bibliccal Theology
Biblical and Systematic Confusion Yields Gospel Delusions
A Book Review of Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church: A Guide for Ministry
A Mark of a Healthy Church Member
Confessions and the roll of Confessions in our lives:
2000 Baptist Faith & Message (with links to an explanation on each article of faith)
Exposition of the 2000 Baptist faith and Message (Must Read)
“Who Packed Your Bags?”: Factors That Influence Our Preunderstandings
A Clash of Cultures: Evangelism in a Postmodern World (Part I)
An Emerging Understanding of Orthodox
Prolegomena -What you need to undestand before you do theology
Theology: Let’s Start at the Very Beginning (Must Read)
Hardening of the Categories: Why Theologians Have Opposed “New Knowledge”
The Nature, Method, and Cultural Contextualization of Christian Theology (Bruce Ware)
Is God less Glorious that He Ordained that Evil be?
Greg Koukl: The Intolerance of Tolerance
Defining Human Responsibility
God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibility is not a Contradiction
How Does God Render Things Certain But Not Necessary (Must Read)
Understanding the Different Wills of God
Are There Two Wills in God? by Sam Storms (Must Read)
Does God have Two Wills by R.C. Sproul (Video) (Must Watch)
Are there two wills in God? by Matt Chandler (Audio)
Does God desire for All to Be Saved (Yes and No) by John Piper (Booklet)
Still Sovereign: Contemporary Perspectives on Election, Foreknowledge, and Grace Edited by Thomas R. Schreiner & Bruce Ware (professors of New Testament interpretation at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) (Book)
God’s job of election and my job of obedience
ON ABSOLUTE WILL AND PERMISSIVE WILL (Does God have two wills, or know what is happening?)