godly living

Imperatives – Indicatives = Impossibilities

I love the following article by Justin Taylor called Imperatives – Indicatives = Impossibilities.  It affirms my believe that promise comes before commands or that all commands are not ment to be obeyed without a promise of enablement and accomplishment from God. Justin Taylor says: The dominant mode of evangelical preaching on sanctification, the main way to motivate for godly living, sounds something like this: You are not _____; You should be _________; Therefore, do or be ________! Fill in the blank with anything good and biblical (holy; salt and light; feed the poor; walk humbly; give generously; etc.). This is

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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